Monday, July 18, 2005

So mad my legs are numb

When I get really really mad, I lose all feelings in my legs. I dont know why that is, but it's always been that way....maybe thats so I can runaway and not get tired? My Boss sideswiped me this morning. I wanted to talk money after I presented him my plan....he walked straight in and said he doesnt want to pay me anymore until he sees 'results'.....

He gave me a laundry list of things he wants done, and essentially I've taken that list and mapped out how to get there, and have taken responsibility for getting those things done. By 'results' he meant money saved for him. He's the sole owner of this company, so getting him to part with an extra penny on things he needs to do everyday business is almost impossible. By just leaving things as 'results' he's not tied to awarding me because there is no defined bar to jump, and no defined award. I'm so F'ing frustrated, he doesnt know the level of commitment I have, and he's completely blown his ethos with me. I dont give it away......


Anonymous said...

Yeah, thats actually a pretty common trap. Offer all the work, all the promotion, all the title and then when it comes to the compensation it's:

"You really need to act the part before we can compensate" or "The company isn't willing to commit resources until the results are solidified" or "We really need to see you rise to the challenge here first" o some other version of "work harder and then we'll talk. Maybe."

My advice is not to belive a single thing will ever come of this. Promises and well wishes wont put bread on your table.

steakbellie said...

Yeah, it's pretty obvious it's just meant to keep me on the hook. "Do an unspecified amount of work, within an unspecified amount of time, and you will get an unspecified bonus" but he actually cried poor to me, and even showed me some numbers from some printout he had.

Amazingly he forgets that I put together the rfp for his lastest 44mil contract.....