Wednesday, July 20, 2005

No. 203

There's a little counter in my blog dashboard that I just noticed. It says that I've written 202 Blog Articles so far. That seems like alot to me, and I wonder what the hell I've been writing about all this time.

Typically, I have 5 or 6 major ideas in my head that I'm working on. Ususally when I'm sitting on the train they come to me. Sometimes I even string together the words that I will use. Some of those articles never get written, some get written, but I keep them as drafts and never let you see them. Isnt that funny? I edit my Blog for Quality and Content like it was a real magazine or something. Typically, the ones I dont publish are too self-indulgent, and I feel sickly when I reread them.

Once in awhile I'll go looking at random blogs just to see whats out there. I love to see that everyone else out there is dealing with the same stupid shit I am. I love the humanity of it all. The domestic, pedestrian problems that people face from day to day. We all share the loneliness of life......

1 comment:

steakbellie said...
