Friday, July 01, 2005

Batman Begins

If you havent seen this you should consider it while it's still in the theaters. While more than rentable, its an excellant movie to be seen big. I only see a handful of movies in the theater each year, and they are usually kid fillms. Worth getting the sitter. I'd like to give a 'shout-out' to my homey over at DC Comics....well done picture! I was surprised that it didnt review all that great...especially considering the reaction I got from friends who said..."You must see this movie NOW!!!!"

This isnt like those other retarted Batman Movies...this one is dark, edgy, and nearly believable. I sat there with a 55 gal drum of Diet Coke and wouldnt get up for the bathroom because I didnt want to miss a minute!

The guy who plays Batman is great, Liam Nesson is great, Gary Oldman is ALWAYS great...even that stupid chick who is making out with Tom Cruise and his funny tooth is good! She's actually CUTE in this movie. They also did a fine job of respecting the die-hard fans. Steakbellie gives it a solid A


Anonymous said...

Preserving my anonymity, but thanks! Wait 'til you see some of the Batman Begins related stuff that I worked on directly!

steakbellie said...

Can we talk about the Halle Barre/Catwomen Kaluia Ads? Seems like an untraditional tie in for a Mainstream Comic Character. Whats your take?