Friday, September 01, 2006

"eight, eight, I forget what eight was for...."

The hallway is dark.

I'm sitting on the carpet leaning against the wall. To my left is a white wooden door with a brass plack the says "The Demon" on it. It's an old door, the kind they actually made out of heavy wood. It's chained shut with a cheap metal twin brother waits paitently inside.

I finish my beer and crumple the can, "Do you want a beer?"
"Nah" from inside the room. "You know I dont Drink"
He's clearly not agitated at all about being locked in all this time.
" you want to come out?"

I hear him pace in the room and I wonder what he's been doing all this time.
"eventually I will, when you need me, I'll be there....just dont bite me again"

I laugh and I know he's laughing too
"agreed, I'm gonna get another beer....."

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