Monday, September 25, 2006

and then a sensible dinner...

six days left until the Krystals hamburger contest.

Most of my training has been with a half-quantity of my goal total. All of these training runs have gone better than expected. I typically finish with my heart racing and my hands shaking and a feeling that is not quite full. I also finish ahead of the time I'll need on game day. I'm ahead of pace.

Twice, I've done runs with seventy-five percent of my goal total. Both of these runs have ended in complete failure. The latest failure was yesterday. I have an eating technique for burgers that I mentally refer to as 'Mike Mulligan's Steam Shovel'. Yesterday the shovel never even got hot...I ate 8 Burgers in the first minute, and then just fell apart and only limped to my halfway quantity mark before stopping.

I may do two more runs this week, maybe only one. I need to finish training with a bang, not a poof. I'm ok with a bad run or two, as long as I get them out of my system before gameday.


Anonymous said...

Good luck bro.

You know how after an event you reflect on how full you felt during the contest and how you wish you would have just pushed your pansy ass to eat just a little bit faster and a little bit more? To push through the FEELING of being full? (Because that's all it is...a FEELING.)

Remember that, and tell your brain to shut the fuck up and just keep eating like a mad man.

I tried to remember that during pizza in DC but I forgot. My stupid brain kept telling me "Dave, you're full now. You can slow down." And my stupid ass always listens.

Anonymous said...

SB -

Good luck at the contest. I know there are a lot of factors taht feed into how well an eater does. Not the least of these is your mentality at the time of the contest. I've seen you at other events...your composure is awesome. Stay composed, don't worry about your competition, and just have at it. It's all about YOU and YOUR numbers, so good luck, and I can't wait to see your results!

~ Melissa

steakbellie said...

Thanks for the kind words Melissa. I think you are correct, composure is everything. In the words of the great Eric Booker "Hungry and Focused"