Thursday, September 01, 2005

w stands for war

w stands for war well if this stupid war couldnt make you any more sick, the disaster in New Orleans has shown you where the Presidents priorities are. The Guardsmen we count on in natural disasters? They're over in Iraq. Not only are they getting killed over there, but now these poor soldiers have no idea if their families or homes survived.

How bout the money that was supposed to upgrade the levys? Bush sent it to Iraq instead. That war is his baby...his most proud accomplishment.

His was live on 'Good Morning America' this morning saying how we'll have no problem paying for both and more of that 'stay the course' crap because we have to protect America...he actually said that with thousands of dead Americans floating in muddy water....protect America NOW you idiot, right here!

What completley set me off was was when Dianne mentioned the exhorbitant profits the oil companies will be making off this tightened supply, he got that stupid smirk on his face that makes him look like Alfred E Newman.

Asshole, send your own money and family to Iraq, I want mine to go to New Orleans.


Smelmooo said...

hrm... I have been wrong all this time.

I thought it was TWO V's and it stood for vacation since he takes far more vacation than anyone else in this world.

Anonymous said...

A sorry week?!

I agree 100% with both of you guys. NOLA has decayed into absolute anarcy - mostly because of the late and ham-handed reaction to this on the part of National government. The mayor down there has been asking for help and pleading about the looming threat for some time. He's being very frank about the deathtoll and desire for total evacuation as well.

I feel confident that the actual cops and NG that are there are doing everything they can, but shit - give these boys a hand!

d.K. said...

This kind of tragedy is where everyone can see real leadership tested. I agree completely with Birdy - from what I've seen, Mayor Nagin has on top of things and the voice of reason since the storm started its advance on N.O.
Clinton got a lot of grief for a long time because of his "I feel your pain" traits, but there's something to be said about "empathy." It's not a bad thing to be able to put yourself into someone else's shoes.

steakbellie said...

This morning when I woke it felt alot like Sept 12, 2001. That feeling that things have's creeping up on me.

It seems a damn good possibility that we've lost a city. A whole fucking city, gone from the map. I'm heartbroken, confused and angry.

Remember when Congress called an emergency session this year to stick their noses into the Terri Shiavo affair? Why does it take a WEEK for them to call an emergency session for these poor people here? They will stand up for a brain dead woman, but cant react when REAL people are dying in our own country. I cant wait for Santorum and his big nose reelection campaign to come THIS the 'Culture of Life' that they are talking about? Whose lives are we talking about here? Rich whitey?

Yeah, Birdy I caught that statement he made about zero tollerance of looters. My mouth just dropped. Shows that in his mind, the property is worth more than the people. Sort of like those painting that Hitler did in art school of huge enourmous buildings surrounded by the tinest little people.

How can anyone ask someone to obey any laws when they are dying? If my kids are hungry, your stupid morals dont mean shit to me.

This guy has never had to worry about how he was gonna put food on the table or even if the sun was going to rise the next day. He's incapable of empathy or understanding...

Smelmooo said...

-- "The results are not acceptable," President Bush says of Hurricane Katrina disaster relief efforts.

I ... on behalf of the rest of the American people..say Thank You W for providing them with the resources they needed. Still looking down from the airplan my friend? Get in there...

steakbellie said...

If you dont recognize the graphic I'm using here, the original was a lawn sigdesign used during the election that said "W Stands for Women".

This fat old lady with a big hat had one on her lawn near my house, and I had to look at it everyday.

I've edited the artwork to match w's true priority....

Anonymous said...

Hey - I'm gonna crib this from the Daily Curmedgeon (by way of D.K.s Silent Cacophony)...check out Anderson Cooper!

steakbellie said...

apparently the 'Director of IT's' computer is incapable of running a .mov file.... I'll have to watch it tonight on a REAL computer....grrrrrr......I read Curmudgens desciption of it and wow thats awesome...

d.K. said...

Sen. Mary Landrieu is trying to redeem herself. This is her statement as of today:

I say again, you just cannot make this stuff up!