Friday, September 16, 2005

On a National Day of Prayer

At the Linc
Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
And would you also remember the various professional athletes on my Fantasy Football Team. They are from teams accross this great Nation, but to me they have come together as a family under the name "Fat, Drunk & Stupid"

May they smite their enemies to little bits upon thine fields of glory....and lord please deliver unto me a decent Quarterback if you choose to not place your healing hand upon Steve McNair...

Oh, and Thankee for the fine RunningBacks and WideReceivers

So let it be written, so let it be done...


Smelmooo said...

And Lord... may you smite anyone that isn't on any of my two teams -- The Pork Chop Express or Tucker's Nuts... as ye are the only one with the power to smite... or smote... as is the past tense... Give me an Halleluah

steakbellie said...

I'm sure your teams are fine and all, but mine shine with the Armor of God, Like a Paladin in Hell..

Smelmooo said...

Isn't Paladin the drug that McNabb got busted with two years ago?