Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Pledge

Somebody had the time and the money to pursue a case to make the 'Pledge of Allegience' illegal because it mentions God. I truly believe in the separation of Church & State, but I think it's a waste of all our time to go gut 'the pledge'. A judge ruled in his favor today.

For me the pledge falls into tradition and ceremony, two things I like very much. I like that my parents said it the same that my kids do. I think a passing reference to God is harmless.

I DONT like prayer in school as that a religeous community will dictate the meaning and usage of that and press it upon these kids. But things like 'God' on money and the pledge dont bother me.

On a slightly different note it's funny how Fundamentalist Christians often feel that despite the whole separation of Church and State thing, that the Framers were of the same beliefs as them. In reality, it was during the Enlightenment and most of these guys were Deists and used the God term in a 'higher power' kinda way.

Just seems like we should be doing more important things here. This kind of stuff effects people 'emotionally' instead of 'intellectually' and they will forget all about what a disaster Bush is and say "The Liberals want to make the Pledge Illegal!!!"


d.K. said...

Well said. Exactly.
I read another blog I read every day, barkbarkwoofwoof, and he expressed himself almost exactly the way you did.

I have no problem with the pledge of allegiance as it is either - it's voluntary, and it is a "civics" ritual, like a national anthem or a flag on a casket.

Just like when the Supremes said that including the Ten Commandments tablets in a painting on the walls of a federal/state building doesn't violate the Establishment clause, I have a feeling they'll say the same thing about the word "god" in the pledge.

If it really amounted to a violation of the separation of church and state principle, I'd support it, no matter how trivial it appeared, but I don't think this case even remotely meets that standard.

steakbellie said...

I just checked out that article, pretty good.

it just seems like everyone is fighting over the small details. So much time and money is being poured in from every side to gain inches.

Here's the reality: The pledge is only a school ritual, nothing more.....