Friday, September 16, 2005

Stale, Wet

The rain is pouring down into the city as I come up from the subway. I knew it was going to rain, and I have an umbrella in my bag, but I dont take it out. My wife placed the umbrella there as a kind gesture.

I dont use umbrella's because I dont believe in them. It's a weird thing to explain to people, so I normally just say 'I forgot my umbrella'.

Within the first city block my just-pressed shirt has darkened considerably and is stuck to my undershirt. My pants are wet. It will take a good hour to dry out in the air-conditioned office and even then I'll be wrinkled. I did not have the energy to wear a tie today so it remains home, pristine.

I look at the faces of the oncoming commuters. The are grimacing and squinting as the rain and wind attack them. My own face is relaxed and I can taste my hairspray in my slackjawed mouth. I must look pretty stupid.

I am approaching a puddle, and someone in my head thinks it would be ok to sit down in it. Just kinda plop down Indian Style in the middle of the sidewalk waiting for the water to carry me to the drains. I actually slow down while considering it. I realize that if I sit down, it's all over. I'll never go to work again and I might not even make it home....


Anonymous said...

This is one of the best posts you have ever written.

d.K. said...

You know, I'm convinced that all men are just older boys, (unlike women, who are girls who have grown up).

I have these kinds of thoughts a lot, too. Like when I'm in a swimming pool, I still pretend I'm a dolphin when I swim underwater.

Maybe someday you will sit in the puddle - but just for a while. Then the world will force itself back in...

Anonymous said...

you wear hairspray?

It's the "Last Call" said...

from one who is over 30 going on 13... I love to splash in puddles. :) But don't tell my dog...

steakbellie said...

christ, Junebug, I still have SOME hair left, I'm hoping the haorspray will keep it from falling off!

Anonymous said...

Ha! I was going to ask about the hairspray too! I mean, hairspray? Like in a Mall Chick Aeresol Can, circa 1983?!

Anonymous said...

It's interesting that some people got a playful, child-like aspect from this post. I read it completely differently.

I think the key phrase for me was, "I don't have the energy to wear a tie." That takes energy? Not literally, but yes, it does. And the water carrying you away. Thats it right there.

Running away from it all. Giving up. And how tempting it is to say, fuck the job, fuck the wife, fuck the house, fuck the kids, fuck
all of this...I quit. I quit all of it.

But once you flip that switch, there is no unflipping it. So you don't. You just keep walking to work.