Monday, June 27, 2005

When there's nothing you can do

son number 2
Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
I was having an ok day. With 2 working parents and 3 boys, life can get very hectic. Many times to wind up getting together with other parents in the same boat, and creating a coalition to help each other out. Mostly we call them friends. It can actually make things easier, my kid my be a handful, but if yours comes over, they can play together and make things easier. Plus I know you'll repay the favor sometime.

My wife only works part time in the summer beacuse the boys are out of school, today was a day she had to go in for a few hours. The boys had things like swim practice (all at different times) a trip to the Ice Skating Rink (with the Rec Dept) and finally time at the neighbors till she gets home. My wife arranges all of this because she can. I'm an absolute moron when it comes to getting people somewhere on time, when I'm not the driver.

This morning my wife drops Number 2 Son at swim practice on her way to work. One of the Moms volunteers to bring Number 2 home after practice (instead of a friend that was going to swing by) Her son is a friend of Number 2 and she wanted number 2 to come of for abit today to play with him. So they arrange everything and exchange phone numbers.

It starts to rain at the end of practice and this lady grabs her kids and runs to the car. She leaves my 9 year old son all alone at the freaking swimclub. Do you know what piece of shit I feel like knowing that my kid was forgotten and alone, while I'm almost an hour from rescuing him? As a parent I feel like a complete schmuck. My son doesnt care, but I feel like a hopeless useless piece of machinery.

The original friend came and resucued him. It was an hour before this lady remembered and left an apology on my wife cell phone. This really sucks. My wife gets so upset over these things, and todays her birthday. Happy Birthday.

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