Friday, June 24, 2005

A mighty tale of woe and regret

son number 1
Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
My 11 year old beat me in "HORSE" yesterday playing basketball. I was beating him H-O-R-S to nada, when he staged an amazing 15 minute comeback. I'd make six shots in a row and he'd follow suit. Then I'd miss, and he'd make a hard one.

I did what any decent father would do. I started talking some serious shit. It STILL works on my little brother...and he's 28! This 11 year old was unflappable! In retrospect I SHOULD have gone nuclear and told him in detail about the night he was conceived...

Sure, I'll make sure he doesnt beat me for a long time. I'll bang the rust off my shot and do what it takes to win, but now I know the tide's coming in, and I cant hold it back forever.....even the little one is gunning for me now....

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