Monday, June 13, 2005

Just How Retarted Are We?

First we let those Red states bully us into having 4 more years of war with Iraq...merely 'because Bush says so' then we let the Bluest of all States completely screw up another trial. What exactly do you have to do to go to jail in California? What happened to everybody in the middle who have common sense and jobs? Maybe next time Jacko can Boff one of those poor little boys on the Friday Night Disney Movie so we can all get a good look...

Did you ever see that one Bugs Bunny episode where he gets a hand saw and saws Florida off of the map and it floats away? We need to saw off California and then Texas.....neither state is doing anything good for us. Oh, and Sea Brite, New Jersey, saw that town off...I got arrested there once for holding a single unopened can of beer.

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