I've been Blogged!
Sassy Travels: Jeepers Creepers....Sassy Travels has done some more research on the Runaway Bride's big freaking googly eyes. She asked to use my wilbanks photo and how could I refuse?
I have three beautiful sons that are lucky enough to look like their Mother. I spend all of my time with those little bastards. I'm rated 18th in the World for Competitive Eating. It makes my Mom nervous, she thought I was going to be a Doctor.
Sassy Travels: Jeepers Creepers....Sassy Travels has done some more research on the Runaway Bride's big freaking googly eyes. She asked to use my wilbanks photo and how could I refuse?
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Until Tuesday night I had never been to a movie alone. The biggest reason is that since High School I havent been alone for more than a handful of days. Less than 2 weeks in fact...this is since 1989. Isnt that crazy?
Whats crazier is what happens every time I am alone. I get shitfaced drunk completely by accident.
Here's how the accident happens. The wife and kids go to my inlaws or something for the night. I have to work so I stay home. Most people decide to take it easy and enjoy the silence. I get it in my head that I'm going to get things done, I'm going to complete one or two unfinnished projects, and then get some decent sleep for once. So my head starts to think and thats where it all ends.
I start whatever project I have planned. Things go great for about a half an hour, then I have to get something in the basement. I see the laundry pile, and figure it would be nice for my wife to come back to less laundry. It'll be easy, I'll just pop acouple loads in, and it will get done at the same time I'm working! Dragging clean clothes upstairs and dirty ones down, I pick up some stray, cups and plates and figure I should get the dishwasher going too. I get the dishwasher half empty when I realize I could have my computer downloading music at the same time all of this is happening.
I grab a beer when I pass the fridge, I'm going to be at the computer for abit, so I take an extra. I get on the computer and check mail and start queing things for download, when I realize that the suns going down and I should probably cut the grass. That would be nice to come home to, but I've got to keep the other systems going so I do another load of laundry and pile the clean stuff on my bed to be folded and put away later. I have another beer and get the front lawn cut. I come in and check on my downloads and do another load.
I'm getting hungry so I decide to make dinner. What does a guy all alone want to eat? Steak!!! I get the charcoal grill fired up and while thats getting hot and the songs are downloading and the clothes are washing and drying, I remember that I should finnish my intial project that has tools spread out all over the goddamned place. I'm talking to the dogs, and they bark back at me, they dont like when the kids are gone. I should get another beer, I mean I am alone and should be able to enjoy it!
At this point I'm moments away from throwing it all away and firing up the PlayStation til 2 or 3am at which point I set the alarm for 6 and pass out face down in an enourmous pile of clean laundry with 2 80lbs dogs and at least one cat sleeping on top of me.
As you can imagine, the state of the house does not go over well when my wife gets home, while I'm at work.
So Tuesday night, I decided I would do everyone a favor and go see Batman instead....
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Dear Mr. Bush,
Thank you so very much for getting back at those dirty Iraqi's for what they did to us on 9-11. So far we've killed over 100,000 Iraqi's since we have been there (most are women and childen thank goodness for you 'culture of life' people) but thats in revenge for the Iraqi Nationals who hijacked those planes and flew them into the towers...and the Iraqi money that financed it, and the Iraqi minds that planned it.
I almost feel bad that we actually attacked Afghanastan first, boy what a mistake THAT was...WHEW!!! Can you imagine if we had wasted 200 Billion Dollars trying to Kill Osama Bin Laden?!?! They dont even have any oil!
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The cool thing about being in a city is that people hand out free crap all the time. Walk a few blocks during rush hour and you might get samples of deoderant, candy bars, or coupons. Typically, I avoid anyone trying to hand me something (unless it's a hoagie) but on the way home I spotted a flock of young marketers handing out packets of Nicorette Gum! Now I already dont smoke, so I figured it would be a great time to start chewing it. I'd pop a new piece in every 10 minutes until something happened.
People were grabbing the packages like they were real cigarettes. I got 6! Just enough to attempt my little experiment on the train commute. Now I was really surprised that they could hand that stuff out on the street corner, so you can imagine how excited I was to have such a bounty! The outside of the package has the big logo and all kinds of BlahBlah about the new cool mint Flavor! which I am about to enjoy. I take a seat on the El, and open the first package. Inside, they have a big announcement. THIS IS ONLY A SAMPLE TO DEMONSTRATE THE NEW GREAT MINT FLAVOR AND DOES NOT CONTAIN NICOTINE.
How shitty is that? I still ate the first piece and it sucked. I'm throwing the rest away. Here's an idea, shouldnt they have Tobbacco flavored gum that these people can chew in the bars so they can get bad breath without making my clothes stinky?
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God made me to break rocks.
Somewhere along the way somebody told me I was smart. They mistook my silence for wisdom, my ignorance for endurance, my trivia for intellegence, my niavity for morality. I believed them, and now I sit here in this office.
I'm not smart though. My brain chatters non-stop, the same way that my leg bounces when I sit down. Just because my leg is moving doesnt mean I'm running a marathon. My turning thoughts arent doing anything but making me sick.
I want a helmet and a hammer. I want safety glasses and steel tipped shoes. Point me towards a Mountain, and I'll make myself so tired, that there will finally be silence within. You'll have to tell when the sun goes down to go home, because I just dont know when to stop.
Sit me down at coffee and I will recite the automated responses:"Working Hard?", "Hardly Workin!","Ya Cocksucker" We will go around the circle, and everyone will say what we have planned for retirement. I will be the only one smiling, because there wont be a thing in my head.
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Took the family to Washington DC this weekend. I can see many blog articles coming from this trip. I'll start with a list of the top 5 things were most exciting/memorable for me:
* Me and my sons peeing on a bush within sight of the White House Gates
* The Smithsonian Air & Space Museum - All the best stuff that Dads & Boys care about
* The Vietnam War Memorial - Extraordinarily Moving
* The International Spy Museum - All kinds of cool stories and gadgets
* Fords Theatre - You can actually see the place they shot Lincoln!
We did much much more, but thats for starters!
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Dont shave your head the day before you get your passport photo. Especially if you've never seen your self with a shaved head before. You just might discover that your mellon head is far bigger than you thought. Oh, and dont do that in the winter winter either....no definately not in winter.....
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I had a long conversation with someone today about an idea for a software product. It is no different in scope than stuff he and I produce everyday, in fact it might be easy. We know it fills a need, and it could potentially be profitable. Once the initial work is done, it can be sold over and over.
I knew it was a great idea, when each of us had a creative solution to the others road block. We even figured out how to do it for very little money ($500 or less). I actually got butterflys in my stomach. This is the point when people get scared. Do I jump after it, or stifle it like so many other ideas....
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Air is pouring into my windows at 80mph. The only light anywhere comes from my dashboard, my headlights and the thousands of Lighting bugs that float in the hot wet air that I am slicing through. It kind of gives you the impression of being underwater with those soft glows coming on and off at various depths above me. I'm on a road cutting through the Pine Barrens of South Jersey. Just driving... frustrated and trying to make sense of it all.
My barefoot holds the cheap black plastic pedal to the floor. I'm in third gear, when I should be in fifth, but I dont shift up because I need the engine yell like I want to yell. I know that I'd feel better if I cried, but I dont do that either. Its the kind of stupid passionate 24 year old or teenager might do. Taking turns too tight just to see...to see if I really am as immortal as I feel.
In my head is a girl I would think about for years to come. She's not my wife (who is home waiting for me with our baby) and I dont know her name. My buddy saw her walk past our office as we were getting ready to run to the corner for a soda. I didnt see her till moments later when she lay under a brand new white Dodge Neon.
She had on a beautiful yellow dress that cascaded down her legs an onto the dark asphalt of that Atlantic City Intersection. I later realize that the pattern on the cloth is from the tires. She was my age and pretty, and if I had seen her in any other situation I'd probably divert my eyes from her gaze in shyness, and then forget her forever.
It happened infront of two Firemen, who immediatley radioed for help, and were trying to assess her situation. They leave the girl where she is, spooning the front passanger tire, while they check to see if she's breathing. They're concerned her back is broken.
I stare at her tan legs and wonder what happened to her shoes. I realize that there are people yelling in Spanish all around me, and I'm embarrassed to be gawking at this poor girl and I run back to the office.
So now I'm testing myself, angry at nobody, angry at everything for what may be a senseless loss. I'm mad at myself for not knowing who to be mad at. It is ironic how much life is in these woods I'm driving through, and how all I can taste is death.
In the coming days I would debate calling all of the local hospitals. Did she live? What was her life like? What was her name? I never called. Even as time went on, I always wondered.
Years later, I would buy a house in another town and I would get all my answers. A neighbor would tell how her Son's godmother was hit by a car, went into a coma and died a few days later. I would scare the shit out of her by saying "I was there"
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All three of my sons lost their little league playoff games on Sunday! I get my evenings and weekends back! Wahooo! I hate the game of baseball, but I enjoy watching my boys play. With the 3 of them on 3 different teams with 3 different practices and games...it was getting alittle rediculous!
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I've been growing out my Goat-T for the first time in over a year. You should see how much freaking grey is in it...I'm a wise old man!!!!!
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hold my head
we'll trampoline
finally through the roof
on to somewhere near
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I have dished out death to nearly all of God's Creatures, in the years since I've gotten my driving liscence. And by 'All of Gods Creatures, I mean:
Three Seagulls- I was driving in Atlantic City on one of the back streets. 3 Seagulls were eating something in the road, I was going 5 but not more than 10 mph as I hit them. I figured they heard/saw me and would move...I mean we're in the middle of a city during rush hour! These were fairly large birds, and I grimmaced watching a tangle of flapping wings in my rearview mirror get run over by the car bahind me.
Two Guniea Hens- In South Jersey, alot of the farmers keep Guinea Hens. They are smallish Chickens, that use use to eat the ticks out of the fields. I was on rte 55 going alittle of 80mph as I crested a hill. I saw them, but there was absolutely nothing I could do, so I didnt. I hit those birds with a fantastic 'Poof' with a cartoon-like exposion of white feathers. It was like a pillow bomb going off. My wife makes a sickening noise, and I mutter something about 'God's Plan'. She knows I'm being sarcastic. Years later I would be detailing the car for sale and would find feathers stuck in the engine compartment.
One Squirrel- I rounded the curve at about 45mph, and he was already entering my lane. There was heavy traffic all around and I knew this little grey fella was in trouble but I was fully confident he'd make it. I took my foot off the gas to give him an extra second to judge which way to go. He changes his mind twice and then stands still, as the Reaper crushes him with a 4,000lbs mini-van.
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Since I got my ipod, I no longer listen to the radio. I'm a huge Howard Stern fan, but I've only listen to him a couple of times in the last 6 months. I still like him, but I'm infatuated with this little thing. Here's what it means for commerce....I'm not going to buy a Satellite Radio.
Now here's a funny thing and I wonder how it will effect culture. I have very little idea whats on the radio now. I have a vast MP3 collection and I randomly draw from that for music. I used to have favorite songs on the radio, now all of my current favorites are at least a decade old! What if all of the culture goes that way? What if we dont have to depend on some schmuck at the raidio station to tell us whats worth being played? How will this effect bands in the future? Maybe the good stuff will get emailed around the most?
My Favorite songs right now are:
A live version of Pearl Jam signing "Sitting on the dock of a bay" Find it and download it...it's awesome. It reminds me of my death. I listen to it over and over.
Social Distortion singing 'Dont think Twice'
Every Def Tones song from 'Around the Fur'
Johnny Cash singing Soundgardens 'Rusty Cage'
Bruce Springsteen 'Promised Land'
A couple Fiona Apple songs (did they ever find her body?)
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In the city you see alot of homeless people...probably in all cities. You get to notice 'regulars'. I saw a guy on the street a few weeks ago, that I cant stop thinking about....I havent seen him since.
He couldnt be more than 20, a young white kid of decent build, but looked like he was hitting a rough time. His nice clothes were filthy and torn. His hair was scraggly, and he was growing a patchy thin beard.
He was sitting against a wall of a building with a cardboard sign that said. "Afghanistan Veteran, now homeless" He was missing a leg and had a crutch next to him.
Can you remember how it was to be 19? To have a constant hard-on, and to get so excited about simple things like "summer" or a girl. I was invinicble when I was 19. This kid probably thought he was too.
How lucky are we...how HONORED are we as a country that these kids are willing to go and lose legs and arms and lives. How lucky are we that they never questioned the orders, they just went. What Hell have we asked of them? Most of us will never know. Most of us dont want to know. I dont want to know.
Now evidence is mounting that Bush knew his claims were false, but insisted that we go to war anyway. That he 'fixed' the data. What does that mean for this boy, who has been damaged? I'll bet his mental trauma is worse than his missing leg....how will he feel when he knows that it was lost for a lie? How about the Parents of the Dead? I imagine I might continue to believe in the war if I had lost one of my sons. It would be too painful to face the truth.
You hear all this clamor about 'Support Our Troops' but what does that really mean? My Mom has one of those yellow ribbon stickers on the back of her Lexus. Is THAT supporting them? You hear about what a hard time these kids are having collecting benefits now too. Bush is cutting VA benefits. Is that supporting them? We owe these people everything...seeing this kid on the street is sickening.
Acouple of Points. We've spent $209 BILLION as of today in Iraq. Alot of that money is paying for roads, and infrastructure and schools. Can you imagine if we had taken that huge $209 BILLION dollar load and invested it our own roads? Our own bridges? Our Trains? Our Students? Our bridges are falling apart, and yet we're building new ones for people who want us dead. It's like we took out a Mortgage on our house to fix up a neighbors.
The other big point is a sick sick irony. Growing up in the 70's & 80's we heard nonstop about the 60's. About Vietnam, about Woodstock, about Love-ins, Peacenics, Hippies and all that other bullshit. We were forced to hear the music for decades after it was new. I figured there would never be another Vietnam as long as these people were alive. They were the ones who had to go there and die, they were the ones who protested and brought it to an end. The sick thing is that it's one of their own that went out and created a new Vietnam, and nobody stopped it. It's just sick....
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Sometimes, I think I get the gist of things, but man I have no idea how they work. Lets get this straight...I LOVE women. They are fascinating. I love the way they smell, the way they walk, the way they think.
I'm married almost 12 years now, and I keep thinking that I understand things but I I still get surprised....maybe I'm just stupid?
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I should have stayed home today. I really dont want to be here. I should be at the pool in my bare hobbit feet, yelling at my kids to get me a Lemon Water-Ice....this place sucks
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First we let those Red states bully us into having 4 more years of war with Iraq...merely 'because Bush says so' then we let the Bluest of all States completely screw up another trial. What exactly do you have to do to go to jail in California? What happened to everybody in the middle who have common sense and jobs? Maybe next time Jacko can Boff one of those poor little boys on the Friday Night Disney Movie so we can all get a good look...
Did you ever see that one Bugs Bunny episode where he gets a hand saw and saws Florida off of the map and it floats away? We need to saw off California and then Texas.....neither state is doing anything good for us. Oh, and Sea Brite, New Jersey, saw that town off...I got arrested there once for holding a single unopened can of beer.
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Fat girls get salads
Skinny girls get cigarettes
I'm getting yogurt
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Schools out for summer. Last night my kids played outside until almost 10:00. They were chasing lightning bugs and riding their bikes up and down the block. The youngest caught one, and then thought to ask if they bite. "Only some of them do" I said...I like to keep him on his toes...
Do you remember how great it was those first few weeks of summer with an infinity of days to look forward to before you had to go back. You could take off your shoes and it might be a week before you had to dig through the closet to find them.
I left the house this morning and they were all sleeping in the AC...I didnt have to drag them out of bed, and fight to get their clothes on.
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Fight or flight.
Evolutionarily speaking, I have decended from those who ran away. It's the only way I can explain why I dont have an ounce of muscle on my body. I've been lifting weights (with Vigor, mind you!) for 3 years now. The first year I doubled my muscle mass, and nobody noticed. Doubling sounds impressive until you realize that doubling .1 only gives you .2, the second year of lifting doubled my muscle mass again. So now I'm almost as muscular as a homeless person....or maybe Ben Stiller.
I continue to make great gains in Strength, but the little muscle I have only serves to push all the fat out farther....depressing. Hard work should produce results, right?
So over the last several hundred thousand years, as invaders swept across my motherland of Scotland, and warriors pounded their chests, painted their faces and muscular bodies blue, waved swords over their heads screaming....those of the line of Steakbellie, stretched their hamstrings and ran the opposite direction looking for a pub that might still be open, or possibly some girl who has been left alone by a tough guy at war.
I cant stand running, I really hate it...but I will resist the call of my fathers no more....I'm on the road again....
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Mom: "We're so proud of you, you did such a great job up there! Where would you like to go for a special dinner?"
Boy: "McDonalds"
Mom laughs
Dad laughs, shifts his weight and scratches himself
Mom: "McDonalds?, Honey, we want to take you to someplace special for your big day!"
Boy: " How about Burger King?"
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excel documents
given to me by you
fruits of accounting
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So, as soon as I hit 'publish' on my stupid complaint, my wife calls to say that the husband of a lady we know died last night. You're a schmuck Steakbellie, come on in unison this time....
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