Monday, January 16, 2006

Habias Corpus

I run along the Schuylkill River at lunch...and can I say it was pretty f'ing cold today to do such a thing.

Now being the good child of TV I know that there are only 5 occupations in the world. Doctor, Lawyer, Advertising Executive, Cop, Bad Guy. Bad guys always dump bodies in rivers...right?

So when I run, I listen to my ipod, and watch the river for bodies (really)

So today, on the return trip I got to see Helicopters, Police and Coast Guard Gunships, pulling a small craft from out under the water, and divers jumping in to look for THATS freaking cold!!!


Anonymous said...

It's Philadelphia - what do you expect?

steakbellie said...

I expect to see bodies floating by!
Which is why I look for them!

steakbellie said...

That Day:

Kelly Clarkson