Thursday, October 06, 2005

Tylenol PM and Miller Lite

I could do the floor routine for the US Gymnast Olympic Routine right now I'm so loose...I think I'll sleep pretty good....


It's the "Last Call" said...

yeah take a picture of that gymnastics routine thang there... that would be kewl :)

Anonymous said...

2 PM's and a nice glass of Merlot...that's my 11pm newscast cocktail. Helps me forget all the crap we reported on that night...

I can't wait til i graduate to the prescription shit-that's when the party starts.

steakbellie said...

i chew my pills, so I wonder how the PM's would taste with the Merlot. Gonna have to try it tonight!

CoffeeDog said...

Used to love PM's but now for whatever reason they stopped working for me :-(