Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Occasional Home of George W Bush

Whats this guy up to anyway? While I'm sure she is experienced as a lawyer, I think it's pretty irresponsible to appoint someone to be a SUPREME COURT JUSTICE that has never been ANY KIND OF JUDGE before. Especially after he screwed up by appointing someone to head FEMA who had never done Disaster Recivery.

The Conservatives are upset that he didnt choose a certified right winger. I think the reality is, that if Bush is trying to fool someone, it's the Dems he's trying to fool....keep your eyes open....


Anonymous said...

what the hell! It has been 8 minutes and still no column,

Anonymous said...

yeah, what about his column? We'd all like to read it (unless it sucks, in which case, thank you).

steakbellie said...

i'm still making the graphics so back off!!!!

steakbellie said...


steakbellie said...

Very good stuff!