Wednesday, October 19, 2005

enough already.....

power ball
Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
I wish somebody would win this stupid thing so I can forget about it again. My mind keeps spinning hypothetical situations of what to do if I win, and I'm sick of thinkning about it.

It's not that it's bad to have a fantasy (almost everything I believe in is a fantasy!) It's that all of the scenereos turn out bad in my head. I win 300 Brazillion Dollars and it destroys my family....everytime.

I try to help my friends, and they hate me. All of my beer is warm. My dog bites me.

God, please lift this burden and let some other poor soul win this money.


ArtieLange said...

Relax. I plan on winning and living happily ever after. It won't be the money that will make me happy, but it won't be my job making me miserable either. I'll find new and exciting things to make me miserable.

steakbellie said...

I hope so, I'm really sick of winning this money over and over in my head.......

It's the "Last Call" said...

you could always write a really terrible country song about how your truck breaks down and your family hates you and your beer is warm... the dog bite yeah... someone drives off in your trailer house... the powerball blues.

Anonymous said...
