Friday, December 15, 2006

the lone push pin on the open bare floor

you havent noticed it until just too late


can there be such a duality?


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

Ugh. Brings back a memory of a thumbtack on the closet floor, and a game of hide-n-seek, when I was a kid. My heel hurts now.

Anonymous said...

Step on somethin' there, didja Sparky?

Nothing brings righteous tears to my eyes as fast as unfair pain. Why did the pin in the carpet poke ME? It's JUST NOT FAIR!

Anonymous said...

You are SO on the "Defense Team" buddy ['specially if Philly wins!]

Looking forward to the Wing Bowl.

[PS I sew all the time...ask my family about my pins on the floor. I have to "pay per pin" for what they step on. damn.]

Anonymous said...

I just re read my above comment and I hope you don't think it is cryptic.

I am also HERE to wish YOU a VERY HAPPY birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Gerber [your lovely wife] said birthdays are very important...and I want you to have the happiest one! [guess I missed it by 4 hours...sorry...insomnia]

You are a great Dad and a wonderful husband...Gerber's post was "special" - I am glad she wrote it just for you.

Me and SkippyHusband wish you the best.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and congratulations! As a person who contributes to the internet, you are Time magazine's person of the year! You are now one step closer to being People's sexiest man. The publishing world is clearly paying attention.

Anonymous said...

I guess I missed something, Happy Birthday!
I hope you weren't one of those poor kids who got a "Happy Birthday and Merry Christmas gift. I knew a couple of those poor souls :)

steakbellie said...

yeah, i always got screwed out of the gifts....maybe next time around?