Thursday, April 20, 2006

Inching towards my own Event Horizon

i had the best conversation with my twelve year old last night. I had put the two youngers to bed and he was up studing for a test. Somehow we got to talking about Chemistry (he loves) and I got to unload some advanced chem onto him, explaining molecular bonds.

that got into subatomic physics:
Black Holes
Event Horizons
Elastic Time
Objects with greater than 4 dimensions

We were up till midnight. I cant believe I have someone to talk about this shit with, and he lives in my own house!


Chris the Hippie said...

I burble about that stuff to my wife. She ignores me. So does the cat. Ever read "Beyond the Blue Event Horizon?" It's part of the Heechee (Gateway) saga by Fred Pohl. The first book, "Gateway" is the strongest, literarily, but the whole series ponders lots of neat astrophysical stuff.

Makes me sit up at night wondering about black matter and just where does the energy go anyway (do you think black matter and black energy are the same thing somehow?) and what do cats look like from another dimension... (My theory is that cats truly live in a different dimension and what we see as "a cat" is merely an accidental representation of "catdom" left over from the REAL dimension they live in, where they rule over the universe.)

In any case, it's fun stuff to ponder - and it's REALLY gotta be fun to ponder with a bright 12-year-old who's mind hasn't "hardened" yet.

steakbellie said...

you should read "The Elegant Universe" It's about Super String Theory and basically it has several Mathimatical Models that require certain subatomic particle to exist in 7 and 10 dimensions. It's a mind warp to read!