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I have three beautiful sons that are lucky enough to look like their Mother. I spend all of my time with those little bastards. I'm rated 18th in the World for Competitive Eating. It makes my Mom nervous, she thought I was going to be a Doctor.
laying in the grass
thinking about my garden
the sun warms my face
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sing-song wake-up call
here's your clothes, please put them on
was i in your dreams?
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i am nursing a hotdog-hangover
i wonder what the hell is in those things
i mean other than two days worth of calories
and a weeks worth of sodium
i still felt full this morning
and i'm as groggy as if I took a tylenol PM
i've been eating nothing but fruit today
make up for my sins....
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Wow, this is really going to happen.
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Labels: Competitive Eating
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They're not really SmartBombs if I only use them on myself, are they?
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There was a fire at a SEPTA station this morning, so my train dropped me off 15 blocks from my usual. Walking over the bridge at Market and 30th I noticed two 15 foot Eagles made out of stone or concrete.
They look very old and have no markings, no dedications or placks.
I will make a plack and dedicate one of them to me.
My guess is that noone will notice and the plack will stay as long as the glue holds. I will leave the other one free for any of you that deserve your own Concrete Eagle
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if you think you can pretend not to care more than i can pretend not to care then you're wrong....unless you're not really pretending, in which case i'm not pretending either. In fact I'm not pretending waaaay more than you.
My Dad can beat up your Dad.
(even with his hip brace)
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Here's a 76-year old man who was going door giving free breast exams. That shouldnt be a crime.....ok so he wasnt really a doctor, but he did carry a big black bag with him!
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i had the best conversation with my twelve year old last night. I had put the two youngers to bed and he was up studing for a test. Somehow we got to talking about Chemistry (he loves) and I got to unload some advanced chem onto him, explaining molecular bonds.
that got into subatomic physics:
Black Holes
Event Horizons
Elastic Time
Objects with greater than 4 dimensions
We were up till midnight. I cant believe I have someone to talk about this shit with, and he lives in my own house!
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dont you get it yet?
we are all laughing at you
and your brainwashed bride
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here is the haiku
that i have written for you
i hope you like it
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She confronts me with her arms crossed.
"Why are you trying to blacken my pots"
"What? That doesnt make sense, what do you mean?"
"You're weird. I know you're trying to blacken them."
"I have no idea what you're talking about, I'm not trying to blacken your pots"
It's the first night of my wife being away on vacation, and I am running around the kitchen, preparing dinner, monitoring homework production, and getting tomorrows lunches ready.
"Whats that smell?" It's the oldest. His arms are crossed just like hers.
"I'm trying to blacken your Mother's pots.
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A few months ago, someone commented here that the definition of 'Integrity' is what you do when noone is looking. Isnt that also the defintion of masturbation?
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I need to get the fuck out of this place. Just the sound of my bosses voice makes me ill, and I'm afraid I wont be able to hide my revulsion much longer...he comes into the office, and I feel like all the air is taken out of me.
I need to work somewhere where I can believe in the boss to at least be an ok person. This guy is a total asshole and I've put up with it why?
* I have my own office
* I dont have to work longer hours than 45
* I can bike to work
* I can run at lunch
Thats pretty much it. I'm certain I could find a place that has those things, and doesnt treat everyone like shit. I could do my job if he just got out of the fucking way.....
I'm looking after Memorial Day
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I put my wife on a plane this morning for a week of Vegas with her friends. She works very hard at a highly emotional-stressful job, and then has to come home to me and my halflings, so you can damn well bet that she deserves to enjoy herself.
She is funny though....
She spent the last few weeks organizing all of the local Moms to look out for me and my rabid brood whilst she was away. She made sure there was coverage for every possible non-school moment. Every practice, every game, every concert.
Years ago I probably would have been alittle offended by this, but now I can accept her help organizing the week without her. I realize that Moms the world round have a hard time relinquishing control of the household to a man. It's not that we do things wrong, we just do them different.
"I made all of your dinners til Friday and packed them up and labeled them by day"
"Wow, Thanks, you didnt have to do that" I say
"Thank God, Dad would probably have just cooked us eggs" says Son Number 1
And that may be true. It might not. I can cook and usually handle the cooking for Thanksgiving....I'm just not known for my smaller domestic everyday meals.
In my twenties I would regularly get stopped in the baby aisle by older women in their thirties. They saw me with a blonde baby in one arm and pushing the cart with the other and immediatley assumed I was lost. Like the babies Mom MUST be hospitalized, because this poor man is doing the baby food shopping.
A Mom: "Do you need help?"
Steakbellie: "No, I'm fine thankyou"
A Mom: "He's adorable, is he your first" (damn certain he was)
Steakbellie: "No, actually he's my third"
A Mom: "Oh...."
Steakbellie: "Can I get through?"
None of them ever offered to help the young Moms though. I'd see them struggle down the aisle and that pissed me off.
So today begins our mini-adventure. We'll make it, but just MY way....
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Keep your filthy little mini-me hands off my Aviator Sunglasses...
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I'm a 35 yr old married father of three with a stable job and own my own home. I'm thoughful, caring and passionate and like to garden. I am 6'1" 210lbs and in decent shape and have brown hair and blue eyes.
I'm in search of a male age 24 - 40 (race unimportant) for several brutal fistfights in scenic Philadelphia locations. Please be diease and drug-free (alcohol is ok, as one of our fights will be a drunken brawl in Philadelphia's Irish Pub) I dont have any recent fighting experience so please dont reply if you are trained in Martial Arts. Also I dont mind getting hurt, but try to avoid punching me in the teeth, I'm not really into that. Other than that just be willing for me to try to kick the living shit out of you.
My ideal fistfight would start with clever insults escalding to chest-out intimidation and physical threats. Moms will be insulted. Once the first punch is thrown, it should have a mix of ground combat and traditional boxing, FOLDING CHAIRS OK. I'm not looking for a 30 second brawl but more of a serious smash-up where everything breakable is broken.
Some of my ideas include fighting on the elevated train platform on Market Street
(whilst wearing suits with briefcases and crashing newspapers vending machines down onto the live tracks) and at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (they have a Wyeth show going on right now that I would love to see/fight at) The melee could spill out the front door and the winner can stand at the top steps for the Rocky Dance.
Serious Inquiries Only.
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Labels: Competitive Eating
despite bravado,
arm flexing and foot stomping
i worry noone
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gritting teeth, sparks fly
rebore the cylanders, bitch
need more horsepower
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it's so f'ing nice out and I'm stuck here in my retarted office. My kids have the whole week off for spring break and that makes it twice as hard to be here. They are staying up late and sleeping in.
My muscles are itchy. Like dep under my skin, and it just feels like I need to pick up something really heavy to make them stop. Some kind of exertion or expenditure of glycogen. Maybe at lunch I'll go find some fatass on the street and grab him from behind and pick up.
Fatass: "What the fuck?!"
Steakbellie: "Sorry, I had itchy muscles"
Fatass: "Thats ok, I thought you were some weirdo"
Seriously, I think I need to run around the block.....
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I was walking in Rittenhouse Square at lunch today. It's a very nice park in downtown Philly where business types can go to get some air and eat their cart lunch on a park bench without much hoopla.
In the middle of the park one of the network had gone to quite an expense to errect a large tent promoting a new reality show. The tent was furnished like a very cool apartment inside and was staffed by 15-20 college-age gung-ho kids.
They had a karaoke machine and were taking turns singing, and inviting the onlookers to come up and sing too. They had several video recording booths set up as well, and were promoting some dumb ass-contest for the person who made the funniest video. The winner will get their video played on tv and get featured on their website. Personally, I'm pretty sick of reality tv, and dont want these people to succeed.
This sort of tent would probably be successul on a college campus, but this crowd of monkey suited schlubs is just plain tired.
I sit with a growing crowd of people who are enjoying their futile quest for someone to be lured into their lair. The college kids have been selected for their white smiles and been given colorful logoed tshirts. They are young and thin and trying to infect the onlookers with their positive attitude. They all have messenger bags that must be filled with colorful Marketing crap. The audience are all seated in a wide arc, a safe distance from being singled out by the loud girl on the microphone.
In between Kararoke renditions, their is a silence that reminds me of crickets. It's awesome. I watch these poor kids try and try to whoop up some interest. I wonder how much this whole campaign is costing the network.
I consider going into one of the video booths and just eating my lunch on camera. I worry that it might actually be funny if I did that, and I might have to talk to someone and tell them my name and address and give various shouts out to my peeps. This would be a betrayal to my generation. I'm just not that spunky.
I fantasize some more and think it might be funny to walk a block to wawa, pick up 10 hot dogs and speed eat them in the booth in my shirt and tie. At the end of the tenth one I would stick my finger down my throat and projectile vomit all over the booth. This makes me laugh, and I'm alittle sad that I dont have the balls for something like that.
Can you imagine the look on the kids face when he opens the booth and is hit with a wall of hotdog-puke-stentch? Nobody needs a minimum wage job THAT badly......could I break them? Make them quit? Have a bad day? It's tempting....
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I'm aware that it's a dream, but I refuse to be late anyway. A meeting is a meeting if it occurs in a boardroom or in an impossibly big roofless treehouse located in the old Red Maple Tree planted in the front lawn of your boyhood home.
I'm lead down to the lower deck of the split level platform. There are tikki torches and the smells of someone barbqueing hamburgers and hotdogs. It's a comfortable spring day, and the leaves move slowly in the cool breeze.
He's already seated at an old redwood picnic table. I notice the table has alittle rot in the legs and the table-top has some give when I sit down on the bench. Must be old. Somebody has set up some DJ equiptment next to us.
We have some meaningless smalltalk. I say meaningless because it's actually incomprehensible muttering between the two of us. I dont even know what my own words are, but they are confidfent and defiant. The subtext is clear. My nemisis knows who I am, and what I intend to do to his legacy.
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Turns out we dont need an afterlife afterall.
We can meter out our own punishment here.
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