Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Sex, Beer or Toblerone

Originally uploaded by -Birdy-.
Forget everything you've learned in Sub-Atomic Physics class. Sex is the most powerful force in the Universe. Stronger than Gravity, stronger than Magnetics, even stronger than that guy with the battery on his shoulder. Time after time, it has brought down and melted men and women of power. Albert Einstein was just as stupid as the rest of us when his pants were down.

What is it about a beautiful woman that triggers such insanity in men. You probably are reading this far just because of that picture that's posted here. Hoping somewhere in the next paragraph, I'll mention her name, phone number and that she loves fat accountants. It is disheartening that potentially a man (or woman) of zero substance can attract scores of women purely on some amorphous 'appeal' while the rest of us had to develop personalities and careers.

How much of attraction is learned? How much is programmed? Sure some of it the collective unconscience, during the Renaisaince, 'Fat' was hot! What about the remaining factors? Are there ratios in our heads that we are programmed to lust for? Someones Smell....How long are you willing to rub your wife's feet for sex? If I didnt have sex to think about, what would be left in my head?

Lets imagine a world without sex for a moment. There would be no video recorders and probably not much of an internet. We'd have crappy clothes (probably parachute pants or something) and cars that looked like volvos but actually worked. Think of the dumb dumb things you have done for Lust...you wouldnt have done them! Your hand would not be broken, and there would still be money left in the account. There would be no Howard Stern, no Viagra/Cialis Spam, and no Football. No Britany Spears, no Fabio, no William H Macy(just kidding we'd still have him) We probably wouldnt have wars either, but thats debatable...I mean we can still fight over Chocolate.

This is not my photo, it's Birdy's. You should check out his Flickr Site for his interesting photos and photo-manipulations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Albert Einstein was just as stupid as the rest of us with his pants down"

MAY I PLEASE PLEASE borrow this [with full credit, of course!] for my blog! PLEASE....

It may be insomnia, Yueling [no I am not looking at the bottle....] or a freak attachment to this blog....but I MUST USE THAT QUOTE....giggle...please....


[and I no, not a stalker...just an insomniac that finally found something to get her through to the bus stop at 7 am tomorrow. Your blog rocks...but I said that several times already haven't I? You have a lot of reading to do this morning Steakbellie...lol, oops, sorry]