Sunday, August 07, 2005

and begin

lake pleasant
Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
I always consider the week after vacation, the begining of my year. We go to the same place every year, and I wait all year long for it.

My Grandfather started camping on the shores of this Lake in 1923. A member of my family has been there every year since then. This year marked my Moms 63 year there. I've been there 35 years, my wife 14 years, my oldest son 11 years. I figured that because I once spent a full summer there, when I'm 44 I will have spent a full year of my life there. That was akinda freaky.


d.K. said...

What a great family tradition and you're so lucky that your grandfather chose a spot on a serene lake in Upstate NY instead the lakefront in New London, CT. I hope it'll stay that nice so that the kids of your kids can enjoy it as much and continue the tradition. Happy new year and welcome back!

steakbellie said...

in the last 10 years all of the land around the lake has been bought up and vacation homes are being built as we speak.

I'm resistant to change and I cringe even when the Camp does minor improvements to the cabins. I have so many memories from this place that I want it to remain the same forever.