Thursday, August 25, 2005

Google, why hadst thou abandoned me?

I have a bunch of email accounts. The best one by far is my gmail account. The interface is fantastic and the way they thread conversations makes it EASY to find anything and manage your mail. Google give you 2 GIGS of space so I use it to upload files so that they are accessable to me anywhere.

For some reason my account has been busted for a day and a half now and I'm going crazy! Tear my clothing, rub dirt in my hair as i gnash my teeth...GMAIL come back to me!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Bellie--

How much do you pay for Gmail? What level of service do you expect at that price point?

Just keep telling yourself, "it's a bargain at twice the price."



steakbellie said...

Googles success has been in selling ads through their 'Adwords' program. These targeted ads show up in my GMAIL account, and Google charges the advertiser everytime I click on one of those ads.

If I cant get my mail, I cant see the ads and Google wont make money. Since Adwords is their largest revenue source,to answer your question, I expect it to work perfectly EVERY time!