Saturday, May 21, 2005


Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
I dont have alot of things.
My most important posessions are my wife and kids. Burn the rest of my stuff, I'll replace it, I cant replace them. I do ok, but a millionaire? nope. However what I've always had was Integrity. I play by the rules, I dont take what isnt mine, I dont fight but to defend myself and my family. I'm a fucking Eagle Scout. Actually, I really am. I may bitch and complain here, but in real life, I'm nearly unflappable.

I've been in two fights in my life. Once when I was 6 and once when I was 12. I got through 4 years of college as a drunk and never had to fight. I've talked several large people out of kicking Birdy's ass. Tonight I was ready to lay someone out and break both of my hands on his face.

I play in a local poker game that is nickel and dime. On my worst night ever I lost $20..on my best I won $16. Now this was after playing for 5 hours!!!!

We have a pool of 15 guys who are invited. Typically 9 can make it. There's one guy who we call 'pockets'. He thinks we call him that as a compliment 'hey, I have pocket aces;. We call him that because he pockets the money as soon as he is up $5 and suddenly remembers he must go home to his wife. Its laughable. 8 guys are there to enjoy the night, he's there to win $5. Next time I'll pay him $5 not to show up.

So tonight we have a great game going. We're drinking up a storm and goofing on each other. I deal a hand and manage to raise 7 people out of the pot but pockets. Theres one card left to be drawn. There's a Diamond Flush on the Board (we're playing no limit texas hold'em) and I hold the Ace of diamonds. He cant beat me. I tell him it's his turn to bet. The piece of shit suggests that I was probably cheating, and had fixed the cards. Not for fun, he was serious.

Until that hour, I couldnt think of a senario that would cause me to actually fight someone at my poker game. He could accuse me of being incompetant, or a jerk or an asshole and that would be ok....but accuse me of cheating at a 5 hour poker game where I have a whopping $10 at stake?!?!?!?! FUCK YOU

I stood up and asked him if he had a problem with how I dealt. He Spurted out a quiet no, so I asked him again, cause for the first time in forever, I was ready to fight.

He backed down again and I was distracted and pissed off the rest of the night. I wound up taking all of his money, but loosing it to someone else in the end.

I really wish he wanted to fight...I'm embarrased to be so brazen, but fucking proud that I stood up for principle....the asshole will sleep fine tonight I'm sure, I'M the one who will play the situation over and over.....


Anonymous said...

You know, that's a great edit. The change from "I don't have a lot" to "I don't have a lot of things." Very important wording. lol.

steakbellie said...

did you get my email on this?