Thursday, January 11, 2007

No, I really am that crazy

Went back and revised the logo, even though its already on disk for the printer....could stand how the bottom type was curved and not skewed....maybe now I will be able to sleep?


katrocket said...

the revision is nice, and worth burning a second disk.

If you're ordering extras for your fans, I'd happily pay inflated pricing (and my own shipping fees) for a commemorative shirt.

Chris the Hippie said...

I never design stuff for myself (or at least I try not to). I've only been happy once, when I designed a logo for Hippie Go Lucky, a band I was in at the time. Every other time I've done a logo for something I was involved in, I was stuck staring at it for years afterwards, knowing that I should have done better. If someone else had designed the logos, then I could look at 'em and think "I could do better," rather than "I should have done better."

steakbellie said...

i know exactly what you're talking about....