Monday, October 16, 2006

I'm disappointed in Kim Jong Ill

He set off a bomb. A nuclear bomb.

The problem was it was such a small nuclear bomb, that at first we thought he faked it...that he just stacked up a shitload of high explosives and set them off underground somewhere hoping to fool everybody. What a jokester.

This would have put the UN in a funny situation, where it implement sanctions over North Korea, for just pretending to set off a nuclear bomb.

Instead he set off a real one.
That sucks....send in Team America.....


Dave S. said...

At the risk of sounding like my father, "If he likes nuclear weapons so much, we should give him ours. Just drop a few dozen out of a plane. If he can catch 'em, he can have 'em."

lol...nuclear war is funny.

Chris the Hippie said...

I'm just dyslexic enough that whenver I see the word "nuclear" I see "unclear." Seems apropos somehow... And I've heard our esteemed President pronounce it "nukulur" enough that I'm starting to do it too.