Friday, October 20, 2006

one of those days

standing on a rainy platform this morning for a train that would be very late...i just kinda had the feeling that things wouldnt go my way today.

one hour into it i can see i was right.


katrocket said...

did things get better by the end of the day?

It sounds like you're in a rut at work lately. I've got two words for you: plaid pants.

Not the classic houndstooth kind, I'm talkin Bay City Rollers. Everyone in your wake will smile.

Wendy said...

Sorry! I hope it's a good weekend...

steakbellie said...

I'm wearing the pants....
now what?

katrocket said...

well, you should start feeling better within 24 hours. If not, there's definitely something wrong with you. Something that pants alone cannot fix.