Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The man who is bothering me

I'll bet he really likes parades
all of those people doing the same thing
the same way
in the same outfit
shiny shoes and polished brass intruments

I'm certain his big white forehead gets all sweaty
and he counts everything
hoping for even numbers
hoping for the most balance possible

I like when the wind kicks up
and Bullwinkle gets loose
now thats fun


Dave S. said...

He's counting, Eric. Can you hear him? Counting? Counting hot dogs. Counting minutes.

katrocket said...

Is this the Stopwatch Man again?

I thought I told you to fire his ass. What gives?

MegaMunch is a serious hottie.

steakbellie said...

MegaMunch is another great eater from PA! You gotta be hot to be in that club

This isnt the stopwatch guy. I stood up for him with the Boss and he's been nice to me ever since. This is another douche-bag...