Wednesday, February 22, 2006

s t o o p i d

Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
i am a jackass.
i got really drunk last night by accident. Everyone stayed home from wresting practice last night and we had a great time watching 'American Idol' instead. It's not that it's a great show, but the commentary of the 5 members of the Steakbellie Clan is pretty hilarious. We enjoy criticising everyone and making fun of them. Mostly 'Fart Joke' type mentality.

I was having fun drinking wine, and laughing. We ran out of wine so I was drinking vodka mixed with something and laughing. Pretty soon everyone was in bed but me who was pestering my poor wife, saying god-knows-what, but i remember thinking how clever i was.

too drunk to sleep, i played video games til 2am. This wouldnt be so bad but the alarm goes off at 6 and my wife had to beat me out of bed at 6:30 to make me coffee and start getting the boys ready for school.

now I'm at work and hung over and feeling pretty stoopid....

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