disappointing (haiku)
sun rises and falls
i watch the hour-hand move
and i'm still not done
I have three beautiful sons that are lucky enough to look like their Mother. I spend all of my time with those little bastards. I'm rated 18th in the World for Competitive Eating. It makes my Mom nervous, she thought I was going to be a Doctor.
sun rises and falls
i watch the hour-hand move
and i'm still not done
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Labels: haiku
monday morning yawns
shake the babies from their beds
we begin again
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
Labels: haiku
Posted by steakbellie 10 comments
Posted by steakbellie 3 comments
You know at some point, we're going to have to answer for what we have allowed to happen in Iraq.....Even those of us who opposed the idea from the start. We have not made the world a better place and we are leaving it in far worse condition than we found it.
As of today, Iraq is inches from Civil War. If we cant stop an insurgency, how are we to stop a Civil War from spreading?
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Artie Lang has just done his annual update of his blog: Thurman Munson's Brother
There's some great stuff here, drop him a line and encourage him to keep at it. Ask him how his 'Sister's Piano Lessons' are going, it's a funny story!
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Posted by steakbellie 8 comments
Picture the lunchroom of a small corporation on a monday morning. Five or six employees are moving about getting their morning coffee, creamers and sugar. There is chitchat about the recent Record Powerball Jackpot.
The CEO enters and places his cup in the coffee machine
Employee to CEO: "You were out on Friday and missed out on the lottery pool we had. We got 135 Tickets for PoweraAll"
CEO: (looks slapped): "That was STUPID!"
Everyone freezes from the scolding and only the coffee dispenser is making noise.
CEO: (very annoyed): "If you guys WON their wouldnt be anybody HERE to work today!"
Several awkward moments pass as the employees raise their eyebrows and stare at the CEO in disbelief. The machine finally stops and he grumbles out of the room with his full mug.
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Friday I took a hard fall
I was at the SEPTA station, and they were working on the Trolley platform and rerouted the commuters through the Bus platform. Accelerating at the sight of my Trolley, I misjudged the train rail I was stepping over.
You know those slow motion moments...yeah those. My hands were tied up, adjusting my work bag at the time, and I had just enough sense to keep my face turned. My whole body rotated forward flat onto the frozen asphalt before I could react.....right at the feet of a Train Conducter.
'You alright buddy?'
laying facedown, muffled...
this all happened right next to my trolley, which was already full of people that I dont know, but see everyday....jackass.....
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
desperately wants to belong
snobbishly needs to standout
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
Posted by steakbellie 5 comments
burried in sinew
i am the desire within
cast me into swine
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Labels: haiku
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
My son had to watch an Olympic Event as an assignment for school. We watched NBC's coverage for over an hour and never actually saw a single event. Here's the problem: Too much backstory. I KNOW they had events going on all day, so show one of THOSE.
The talking heads they use smile too much. I mean like OVERSMILE. It makes me want to hurt them. They have Phopshop white teeth.....go drink some coffee please.
Here's what bothers me the most. Everbody calls it the Turin Olympics. Everybody but NBC that is. They say 'Torino'. Now they are similar words but I didnt want to be the dumb American that just assumed it was the same. I thought maybe the Olympics are in Turin, but the closest ski hill is in nearby Torino? Not a stretch. Finally during one of the Vingettes they show the Shroud of Turin, and I can put the two together.
I'm sure some VP at NBC thought he was being super-clever by using the Italian name, instead of the one we had most likely heard of. Like their network is 'in the know' because they use and overuse that name. That same asshole should just have the whole goddamn broadcast in Italian while he's at it. These idiots are killing me in English. I'll bet he has white teeth too.
Posted by steakbellie 4 comments
Posted by steakbellie 4 comments
Posted by steakbellie 9 comments
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
I run down the steps and answer the door splashing hot coffee on my hand. Two of my neighbors are standing outside up to their knees in a snow-drift. They are both half-smiling and looking at my face for a sign. A foot of snow fell overnight, and it's still coming down hard.
"Did you steal my snow shovel?" one of them asks
I open the door to let them in, they're banging snow off their boots. They are friends.
"What?" I'm confused by the question.
"My shovel, I left it next to my back door last night. This morning I went to grab it and it's gone..."
I cant stop myself from grinning. I totally understand why he thinks it was me, and I'm giggling because it's such a funny joke that someone played. I try to straighten my face up, he'll never believe me.
I need to change the subject.
"Do you guys want some coffee?"
This has the intended effect. The neighborhood has been without power since 4am, my house is freezing cold and everyone on the block has electric ovens. They are following wide eyed into the kitchen as I hold an impossible cup of steaming coffee.
I point to my coffeemaker that is unplugged in my dark kitchen. The pot is full and visibly hot with vapor and arouma.
"how did you?...?"
I have no intention of ruining the mystery of the miracle coffee, so I switch subjects back to the shovel again.
Finally with a straight face I interupt
"I didnt take your shovel, but I wish I did.(i do) Thats pretty funny that someone did that to you. If you want you can borrow mine" Chuckling, I open the door to grab my shovel that I left just outside the door.
"Can we have some of your coffee?"
Posted by steakbellie 3 comments
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
I was just in the bathroom when my sons came screaming from downstairs. They just saw me in a commercial. I'll be performing tomorrow night on UPN 57 at 10:00pm.
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
boy when my foot comes off the accelarator i am the most useless lump of shit.....i have things to do but i think today is just lost....i'll probably end up face down in a pile of laundry, past-out, with at least two animals sleeping on my back....i need to get my shit back together...
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
they are cartoon mad
beating their centrafuge drums
with Koran drumsticks
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Labels: haiku
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
you know how a runner can pull a hamstring?
I think I pulled my stomach
it's a week later and i can still feel
something funny on the left side
is that possible?
does that make me cool, or really really stupid?
I'm reminded of the Billy Joel lyric:
"She said it only proves that I'm insane"
and how do you push that far without puking?
51 weeks to go
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
oxygen and sparks
mix with something flammable
anxious for the show
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Labels: haiku
haggar burns bodies
bill the cat has skinned opus
beatle bailey rapes sarge
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
Labels: haiku
willing to suffer
holding my body and yours
fighting off my back
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Labels: haiku
i woke up this morning
and some of the satisfaction had begun to dim
couldnt i have eaten two more?
probably not, but maybe
i feel like i left everything on the table out there, and pushed myself so deeply past my instincts that wanted me to stop. i feel like i prepared myself with great respect to the event....but could i have prepared more?
would it have lead to a divorce?
so i woke up this morning looking forward to the next event...like suddenly there is no doubt i want to do it again. the fantasy is forming. if i prepared for a full year...i could place...i could win....i could set the new world record.....
this is the kind of drive i once had in my career. i wanted to be the best and i fully reached my potential at age 28. i worked in the best company, with the best co-workers on the best projects for the best clients.
that was seven years ago and now i'm in management. i have very little passion for work anymore. i do my job, because it pays well....thats it.
so now i'm passionate about a chicken wing eating contest. read that line again, i'm shaking my head. and it's burning in me that i'll have to wait a full year to get another chance to prove myself.
i'm still completely exhausted and sore, but goddamn it if i havent already put together my new training schedule in my head. i'm thinking about other events i could enter. i'm even looking into joining the International Federation of Competitive Eaters (swear to god, they actually have one) it wasnt like it was easy training for this thing....it makes you physically ill....ughhh....
why couldnt i just take up painting again?
why do i do this to myself?
Posted by steakbellie 10 comments
For everyones kind words here and in email
It's gonna take me awhile to get my head around what happened. There are so many funny stories from that day that it think will make for good reading. There are a considerable amount of photos that we took, although many of them are somewhat inappropriate for public consumption. I need to gather everyones cameras before i begin posting some of this stuff.
here's a preview of some of the stories:
12 hours after eating 105 chicken wings. I'm finally home sitting on my couch.
Mrs Steakbellie: "How are you feeling honey, are you any better?"
Steakbellie: "Yeah, I'm doing alright, kinda sore"
Mrs Steakbellie: "Will you ever eat again?"
Steakbellie: "Actually, I just ate some leftovers out of the fridge"
Mrs Steakbellie: "What?! The CHICKEN Parm?!?!?"
Steakbellie: "Yeah, I...."
Mrs Steakbellie: "WHATS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
chemicaly happy
synapsis under fire
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
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Posted by steakbellie 4 comments
Labels: Competitive Eating
The train car is packed and I'm stuck standing again in the door aisle. Everybody's reading the free paper they give out called 'The Metro'. It's usually 16 pages long and full color very similar to USA Today.
I get to page four and I'm greeted by a large color photo of myself and a nice article about what I'm doing. I get almost the whole page to myself. I giggle at how funny I look in the kilt and look around at the other readers.
There's a lady facing me, within hugging distance. She's in blue nursing scrubs and is also reading page four.
i watch her face.
She sneezes and brings the paper up to catch it so that it doesnt go all over me. I watch her sneeze directly on my photo instead.
"God Bless You" I say.
She doesnt look up
Posted by steakbellie 5 comments
Labels: Competitive Eating
I'll be on 610WIP again tomorrow morning at 7:30am talking smack!!! and then again later in the day at 5pm for the 'weigh in' at Chicky and Petes!
Posted by steakbellie 3 comments
Labels: Competitive Eating
i finished training this past weekend, and so now I'm just trying to heal up for friday. The thing is, I've been eating so many calories for the last 6 weeks, that I'm STARVING this week with the drop off of food. I cant wait til this is over so I can go back to being a human being at the table....i guess i'm lucky to be this busy, it's not gonna hit me til i lay down for a few hours on thurs nite....then "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!"
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Labels: Competitive Eating