i think i'm still drunk
I have three beautiful sons that are lucky enough to look like their Mother. I spend all of my time with those little bastards. I'm rated 18th in the World for Competitive Eating. It makes my Mom nervous, she thought I was going to be a Doctor.
how all of your legs were broken
when you lay in the cardboard box
how the hell did you go from the street
to my doorstep?
i guess you crawled on hope & faith
you knew that if you made it home
everything would be ok
turns out that wasnt true
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
this is a quick summary of the past year, with the first sentence written on my blog from each month.
January: The stories coming out of Asia are just unbelievable.
February: I dont think my compulsions are as interesting as Birdy's, but maybe somebody will get a laugh.
March: I count bottlecaps.
April: I dont think theres enough coffee in this fucking machine to sustain me.
May: 1,2,3,4
June: So anyway, 17 years ago (almost to the day) my prom date offered me her virginity at the SkyView Hotel in Seaside Heights,New Jersey, and I turned her down by pretending to pass out on the bed.
July: I'm going through a mild depression lately.
August: I always consider the week after vacation, the begining of my year.
September: well if this stupid war couldnt make you any more sick, the disaster in New Orleans has shown you where the Presidents priorities are.
October: I tried to writ e this once but apparently I'm alittle drunk....so here's what important from tonight:
November: got interviewed yesterday when I was getting ready to commute home on my bike.
December: the gods have made their decision.
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
i walk in the room and they are all staring.
'ooops, better keep Steakbellie out, he might eat it all' someone jokes.
i take a slice of sausage, and i'm trying not to get grease on my tie. I eat it standing up.
someone else says 'i dont think you're fat enough to win'
i smile
they are all thrown with this latest revelation about me.
the new secretary asks me....
'do you eat alot?'
'not really' i confess
'how did you get in?'
'i tried out'
'how many people will be there?'
'18 Thousand' I say with a mouthful of pizza (puposely trying to eat slow)
'Wow, thats alot of people eating wings'
'No, only 25 eating wings...18 thousand bought tickets to watch'
'oh....thats pretty weird'
'tell me about it'
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
i always hear
what cant be done
but the only ones who ever stopped me
are within
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
i once madeout with three different girls named Veronica, the same night, the same party. of course it only occurs to me now that they might have been lying....
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
"you'll shit yourself backwards!" (daily)
"holy chitlins!"
"if your mom sees this, she's gonna put the smack down!" (daily)
"kiss me and tell me you love me" (all the time)
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
wet and smiling
i look to our tallest building
and wonder
who could appreciate
that i kept my form
and had my eyes open
all the way down
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
tasting oiled steel
i'm ready to fuck or fight
burning inside out
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Labels: haiku
i want something more
and not like i deserve it
but i'm still asking
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
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it's stopwatch eating
pounds of food force fed; i'm sick
before the sun's up
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
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i was torn apart
grappling with the demons
feel my strength return
Posted by steakbellie 3 comments
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I rented this a week ago, and had very low expectations. During the screening I was completely mesmerized by Angelina Jolie & Brad Pitt. Neither is a great actor, but I just couldnt get past that they are the two best looking people on the planet, and if they make a baby, it will be the goddamn ugliest little toad ever.
So make us this hideous baby, so we can all point our fingers and laugh.....
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
larry is out
i'm scooping grinds in the dark
and there is still no milk or creamer in the fridge
the dairy fairies did not buy milk again
i need to invest in a cow
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
The weekdays all play out the same.
The alarm goes off before sun-up, and we both give audible groans. Larry starts chuffing in my ear. He has to be let out, and the alarm is his que to stick his wet nose in my face and wag his tail. My wife summons the bravery to get out of bed first and turns on the channel 6 news. She trips over my shoes (that are now very shiny) on her way to bathroom and curses me.
Karen Rogers is giving the local traffic report. She is someone with whom my wife was aquainted with a million years ago, and is a genuinely wonderful person.
I ponder outloud in a gravely voice "Do you think she takes it in the Pooper?"
There's laughter from the bathroom and then the shower starts.
Larry is going crazy, and I need coffee. I need coffee now. I was stupid again last night and up past twelve.
I stumble out of my room in the dark with just my underwear and a morning hardon. My boys are all still asleep and I will wake them soon, in the same order that I always do, saying the same things, scratching their backs, getting them dressed, fed and ready for school. We will fight over getting socks and shoes on, no doubt.
Larry sprints into the backyard, and i return bleary eyed to count measured scoops of grinds and cups of filtered water. It's all part of the ritual.
My cruel mind keeps spotting my cat in the corner of my eye. For six years this is was our daily moment together. The coffee would begin to drip and Pepper would sit on the counter and wait for me to scratch under his chin with both of my hands. Then he would jump to the floor and bump my leg til I fed him. That is how it was and I still dont want to give him up.
I'm mad at him for getting hit. I'm mad at him for being dead. I'm lonely.
I look in the fridge and we are out of milk and creamer. I softly pound my head against the freezer door. Today is going to suck.
Larry barks to be let in.
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
Posted by steakbellie 5 comments
I roam this rusty city with a smile on my face. I'm still carrying several thousand dollars in Ten dollar demoninations. They are wrapped up in $500 stacks, and I transfer the stacks from pocket to pocket giggling to myself. It's a stupid stupid thing but I cant get myself to deposit it and end the joke.
At lunch I walk into an ancient shoe repair shop. An old black man with half his teeth shines my shoes. We talk about Joe Namouth and about cigarettes.
He gets ten bucks for a three dollar shine. I get to smile at my shiny shoes.
I Deal in Tens
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
The Blog of Lewd Enlightenment
Check this blog out. He's written a bunch of '8-word poems' that i feel good about.
Posted by steakbellie 4 comments
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
Yesterday was one year from when I first started this blog. Much thanks goes to Birdy for introducing me to it and for sharing his own blog. It's been such an excellent creative outlet for me, and I feel as if I'm creating something that my boys will be able to read years from now when I am gone....some way to know me better.
It was weird for me to realize that someone would actually take the time to read this stuff, and a totally mind-fuck that they would come back a second time. Today, I can say I'm grateful for that.
Most of the people in my current life: Co-workers, neighbors and family do not know about this blog. My wife knows about it but doesnt read it. She said that I need some privacy so I can bitch about her. Funny though I dont do that, she's a public figure and doesnt need our personal trash posted out there.
I have shared it with 'old friends', on the thought that it's a good way to keep a connection with them, and they figured me out years ago and still stuck around.
Whats funny is that the bulk of people that read this are strangers, and some of them have made themselves known to me and share their own blogs. I'm honored.
It's also pretty amazing to realize that these pages have been loaded over 18,000 times in the last year. Thats actually kinda scary.
Here's a link to my first post
Posted by steakbellie 4 comments
Posted by steakbellie 3 comments
I keep catching small wiffs of Haggis all week. Like a split-second and then it's gone......
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Oi vey
I'm done for today
I've been running meetings all day, and now i want to do nothing but go home. We have our X-Mas party tonight for work so I'm dressed up in a suit. After work I'm gonna go sit in a random bar for 2 hours waiting for the party to start. It doesnt make sense to go all the way home.
The party's gonna suck as it's a couples event this year and my wife cant make it. The funny thing is that noone here has ever met my wife, so I should have just brought someone else and just said it was my wife. That would have been pretty funny....a guy friend would have been even funnier, because they think I'm sooooo conservative here. I love fucking with peoples perception of me.
so now i'm gonna be the 3rd wheel at a table in some restaurant....joy. We recently hired alot of people, so now I know even less of them....
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
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Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
malevolent me
accross the middle and through
i can take the pain
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
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there's alot to do
my mind is racing and it totally hasnt hit me yet
I'm giving myself tonight off
i'm going to have some beers
and then tomorrow starts a long road
i'm probably giving up booze til february 3
yeah, i'm that serious
i'm going to create a separate website just for this topic
so i dont have to post everything here
and make everybody sick
but tonight i rest and enjoy the family
because tomorrow i make them crazy
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
you can see me qualify at:
you may have to register to see it and i think it requires RealPlayer. ironically my firewall is blocking me from seeing it till i get home. they have the time wrong, they gave me 5.5 minutes and i did it in less than 4.
let me know if the film is good.
Posted by steakbellie 4 comments
Posted by steakbellie 2 comments
Posted by steakbellie 4 comments
slept like a baby
it has been so very long
today I'm happy
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
Labels: haiku
"He's just like you!!!" she yells at me with frustration as I walk in the door.
I know exactly which of the three she's talking about. It's funny how whenever that is said about Ch@rlie and me, it's never meant in a good way. I put my work bag down and head up the stairs to his room.
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
inferno within
incinerate this darkness
bring me home again
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
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Posted by steakbellie 4 comments
i count down the beats
and when the guitars come in
its so loud
my eyes roll back
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
You Are A Cog.: This Is Your Life
Read this quick article from Birdy. It's so excellent.
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
i got dressed in the dark this morning
later i realized that the pants i'm wearing
are 34's, and havent been worn in a long long time
i'm gonna be 'on' today.....
Posted by steakbellie 1 comments
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
mental paralysis
there is so much to do, and I'm bored of all of it. i've even hit walls on my OWN work that NEEDS to get done. On top of it all I have a backlog of Blog articles in my head that I want to write but cant because i feel guilty that i'm not doing the important stuff. Here's a sampling of whats on the grill. I'm not kidding about the names.
"My Life as a Cock Magnet"
"Incident on the People Mover"
"One Year of Blogging"
"The Bad Side of Crazy"
"Legend of the Blonde Haired Cutie"
"It Feels Like the First Time"
Did you ever feel like you've bored of the Internet? I think I've read it all. Whats next.....
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
Posted by steakbellie 4 comments
The job prospect opportunity with my former client is speeding along like lightning right now. I talked with someone there again, today again, and we agreed that I should put together a presentation that is a portfolio/resume combined that is written like a series of case studies.
My weak point will be showcasing copywriting. I've been building ads and brochures forever and have had to do tons of writing when clients didnt provide enough. The problem is nobody ever asked me to document it. It's not like I can show them my blog....'hey look I wrote all about drinking & getting fucked over by my boss!'
The other thing is that this needs to be such a compelling piece that they will be willing to shell out almost DOUBLE what they probably intended for the job.
Problems? It's due Monday morning. Tomorrow is completely lost already, so I may have some of tonight, and some of Sunday. I've always been better under pressure than without, but I'm worried I wont feel the pressure til late Sunday night. Doesnt give me any time for revision and I'm pretty exhausted. I have the graphics locked up already....
Gonna have to do this bird by bird I guess......
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
take off all the paint
inspect what's underneath it
the hidden damage
Posted by steakbellie 0 comments
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Posted by steakbellie 5 comments