Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The Test

And Begin.....
I've received the test that will decide the future of my time here at this company. The CEO handed me a 550 document that we sent out as an answer to an rfp. We didnt get the job and it was worth 2 million dollars. The client stated that the biggest reason was their lack of confiedence in our IT department.

I didnt write the rfp but I'm going to rewrite it, the way I see it should be done. The biggest problem is that it's written in French. Not really but almost. It's so technical that I recognize letters and can figure out the meaning of some of the words, but I dont know exactly what it says.

It's alittle scary because I dont totally understand what it says....but I'm excited because I see the biggest problem is presentation....something I'm very very good at. Simple things, use the same fonts throughout, same point size, and leading. MAke all of you headers the same. throw in some bullet points, always start with a summary. spellcheck the freaking thing.

If I can turn this document around so that we can learn from it and use it as a basis for future docs, then I'm golden. If not, I'll need to start looking....

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