Wednesday, April 06, 2005

my dream

Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
so here's last nights dream.
I'm camping out on the deck of the Battleship New Jersey with a bunch of guys I used to work with. We're sitting on old lawn chairs playing poker and drinking heavily. Suddenly I feel that something is wrong....something is missing...i'm heartbroken, somethings not right.....
thats it


Anonymous said...


The warship symbolizes a time when America (and the young men of the day) had a mission. The Great War. A Great Enemy. A nation working in unison on the homefront and the battlefield.

And now? We lounge about and drink on the decks our forefathers died for.

Or maybe not.

steakbellie said...

hey, thats really good!

Anonymous said...

It's my ministerial training.