Friday, April 01, 2005

Terri Shivo's First Full Day in Hell

Thats not my opinion. Personally I think she's been in hell for 15 years and now she's finally at rest. It's actually the opinion of most of the people who were fighting to keep her hooked up. Most of them are 'Born Again' Christians, and they believe that if you arent 'Born Again' then you go to hell. No Questions asked, no exceptions. Terri Shiavo was NOT a Born Again Christian, she was a Roman Catholic, and Evangelicals hate Catholicism. Catholics do not go to Heaven

George W Bush is having a prayer service for the Pope as we speak. Next time you see him ask him where the Pope goes when he dies.

I know this because Tyler knows this.

The cover of the paper this morning had her poor Father leading a prayer service in an Evangelical Church. Behind him was a huge TV screen with high end graphics and
band to sing 'Praise Music'. They are using poor Mr Shindler and his dead daughter to build a 'Culture of Life'. Essentially building a case and precident to overturn Abortion....this poor woman has become their ralling cry and their martyr yet she's not welcome in their heaven.

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