Friday, April 01, 2005

Pope for a Day

Originally uploaded by steakbellie.

When I was a kid, we had a new Pope everyday. They were constantly Pontificating and then dieing. This one seems to have really rocked the system, refusing to die when he was shot, or when Sinead O'Connor tore up his picture.

I'm not Catholic, but I like this Pope. He's smart and speaks a million languages. He likes to travel alot and see the people on the ground, when he can. Plus he LOOKS like a Pope. It's hard to imagine that somebody else will get to wear that beanie.

Interesting Pope Trivia....the bodies of dead Popes are mumified! The reasoning goes that at the resurrection, the Popes will need them when they come back to life, so that they can help Jesus and whatnot!


Anonymous said...

Spectral Christ and his Zombie Mummy Pope Task Force. Together they form Holy Voltron!

steakbellie said...

They can take out the Pope-Mobile and cruise for chix until they spot trouble! Then Lookout!