Saturday, May 31, 2008

Eigth Grade Dance

Eighth Grade Dance
Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
My son went to the 8th Grade Dance last night. Not sure I like that he's growing up so much. Gonna take some getting used to.


katrocket said...

What a cute pair, all dressed up!

Be thankful you don't have daughters, Steakbellie. I think there's a lot more to worry about. My dad handled it by not allowing me to go to dances with boys until my Senior prom in high school.

In retrospect, I'm really glad my father was overprotective when I was a young girl, but I still like to tease him by saying stuff like "You turned me into lesbian, you know."

steakbellie said...

Yeah, I really wouldnt do well with girls, especially after seeing all them before this dance. I had a hard enough time seeing my own boy all dressed up....

Leonesse said...

Awww. What a handsome dude. Mine turns 18 soon and has decided it's time to fly. He won't come with us to AZ, but will move about an hour from here. Sigh.

Leonesse said...

Enjoy every moment.