Wednesday, February 28, 2007

and again

I limp into the locker room.

There's a mirror there, and I take a quick look to see who's looking back at me. It's the same dumpy fellow from an hour ago. These kettlebell classes are so tough that it's unfair that I dont look any better immediately after. I just look red and sweaty.

I throw my faded hotdog competition tshirt into my bag and sit for a moment. Two of the 'Karate Guys' are talking about they workout we just had. They are built solid, long and lean and have the body I'd like to have. I envy their endurance and am embarrassed when they are swinging heavier weights for twice as long as I can.

The guys have switched talk to some martial arts competition they are going to and who they think might show. My fingers are trembling slightly as I take off my shorts. I verify that the ripping sound I heard in class was my ass destroying a fine pair of cotton boxers. They are torn from legs straight up to the waistband. sigh.

Their talk has changed to nutrition. I listen in to see what I'm doing wrong (other than eating too much) Latte's made with liquid vitamins, Enzymes, Soy and Green Tea at Breakfast. Neither drinks coffee anymore because it hurts their tummys.

I scowl, grab my towel and head to the shower.


Anonymous said...

I never thought I would long for the days when I was afraid to go to the gym because I was too skinny.

steakbellie said...

Used to be I could back into shape by running for 2 weeks.

Not that easy anymore....

Chris the Hippie said...

I'd have to walk for two weeks to get into shape to start running again...

Anonymous said...

I remember when I could get into shape by... who am I kidding that never happened.