Friday, March 02, 2007

I plan to Saw Broward County, FLA off the Continental US.

That whole Anna Nicole Smith thing was the last straw.
At the end of the court case to determine where her body should be buried, the well-tanned judge cried. That really disturbed me. Doesnt he see sad and horrific events that happen on a daily basis to REAL people or innocent children? Does he cry for those people too?

Broward County was already on my shit-list. Remember that whole 'hanging-chad' fiasco? If Broward County had their shit together, the Iraq War never would have happened and we'd at least be LOOKING for Osama bin Laden.

How can one little county screw up a whole country so much?

This weekend you wont hear from me, because I'm borrowing my buddies Sawzaw and I'm going to cut the whole thing out of Florida and let it float out into the ocean. Let it be an island nation of idiots. I just need a long enough extension cord, thats all.


Chris the Hippie said...

If you need help, just give me a call. Can we cut Katy, Texas loose, too?

Anonymous said...

I'm there... let's just rent a generator so we don't need to bother with the extension cord.

Anonymous said...

Dude - just drop some m80's into a sinkhole

ArtieLange said...

I will actually be in Broward County come Sunday.

steakbellie said...

and now everyone understands the brilliance of my timing....

SkippyMom said...

awww...i like artie steak....give him a chance...[and artie why would you want to be in broward? why? perhaps you deserve to float out to sea, eh? hee!]

except for sending artie out to sea I couldn't agree more steak...and if someone could toss the dipshit blond from "the view" onto your new island [she keeps parrotting bad al gore gossip - who feeds her this crap?] anyway...I would be more than happy and will gladly help.

if you were home during the day and watched her steak you too would throw crap at the television....i swear!

Dave S. said...

The Sawzaw! YEAH! I'll come down with a couple crowbars. Maybe we can coax the smart ones (two or three people, tops) off the soon-to-be-island beforehand to make it a little lighter.