Saturday, March 17, 2007

They are all around us

Look at all these people
who think
that war is patriotic
just because we are commiting it.
and no other reason

and have no problem with
the billions stolen
or the lies told
and the poor boys who lose their

they just kinda shrug at that when you ask.
must not really bother them.
maybe they dont have any sons.
or souls.

no, they are against
a cancer vaccine
because it involves
the vagina

no really. thats what they care about.

"character" and the vagina vacine.

enjoy church on sunday assholes
I'm sleeping in
what would jesus do?


SkippyMom said...

BRAVO! well said...

on a side note and as a mother of girls who will be forced by the state to take this isn't about "character" to is about the government insisting that I do something that isn't absolutely neccessary to the longevity of my childrens' lives.

I do agree that the issue isn't near as tanamount as this farce war, but I just thought I'd let you know how one person feels about yet another issue where the government deems it necessary to impact my childrens' lives without my say or wherewithall.

...sort of like my son having to go to war in two years if they reinstate the draft, yes?

Hugs to you all!


d.K. said...

Skip -
The vaccine is about other people's lives, too. Your children were immunized (or should have been) before going to grade school, not only to protect others from potentially being infected by them. The government has a legitimate role in the public health schema - probably more legitimate there than in any other arena. I'm generally a libertarian, but I have no problem with a government, at whatever level, obliging a vaccine that could wipe out a scrourge that will, we know, save thousands of lives. Would you want someone with a highly communicable (and preventable) disease sitting next to your daughters in school or on the bus? In this case, it's about our greater society, and not government seeking to intrude on our individual liberties.
(If you never, in fact, have had your children vaccinated against measles, chicken pox, and whatever else the standard regime is, I'll agree you're standing on principle. If you did, then it probably really is more about the vagina than treading on civil liberties.)

Chris the Hippie said...

Love the soldiers, hate the war, don't trust the leaders. It's a quagmire. A quandry. A quack-up.

SkippyMom said...

d.k. you need to read up on cervical cancer. the virus that causes it can't be passed as in chicken pox or diptheria-the [vaccine] my children take...the virus is passed thru intercourse and is given to women BY MEN....not on a bus or a schoolroom, but by intercourse. the men hold the virus.

That said...14,000 women a year contract cervical cancer and 3,900 women die of it.

The stats are so low - WHY - and you must not have kids - WHY - should i allow the government to vaccinate my daughters against something that THEY won't infect anyone with....and they have a minuscule percent chance of dying from? Because you are a liberal and make it so?

This is a NEW VACCINE...I don't have to agree to it b/c my gov't says I do...and it isn't about the "vagina"...I resent that....and I was trying to give someone [Steak] a dif' opinion due to the fact that he doesn't have girls and I do...and I admire him.

I am not using my girls as guinea pigs for something they have a small percentage of getting...and then, well - let's see it work for many years? - for a small cancer death?

- breast cancer? lung? prostrate? I would be on the band wagon...but those kill too many people for the industry to actually try to cure those...oh crap..did I just crush your liberal sensibilities?

on a side note...the 3,900 deaths includes ALL cervical cancer deaths not just those caused by the virus passed by intercourse, other causes are related to diet and environmental factors...

so you are certain if I vaccinated my kids for tetanus, diptheria and polio that I am a hypocrite if I refuse the "vagina" vaccine?

You need to check your stats D.K. -

I am not allowing the gov't to tell me my kids have to take something they don't need....

you don't read my blog or you would realize that i have a huge problem with people picking what is best for my kids....i found out 3 years ago that maybe the STATE doesn't know as much as they think.

My statistics are from NCCC - the National Cervical Cancer Coalition.

Unless you have daughters don't argue this point with anyone again.

especially me.

Ileft the previous comment for Steak and not for the likes of you.

He is respectful.

d.K. said...

I won't use Steakbellie's blog to engage in a rude argument, except to point out the HPV is a venereal disease. Yes, women get it from men, as you point out, but where do you think men get it from? Well, to state the obvious, women. Unfortunately, there is not a test for men - other than the physical appearance of warts. If men could be vaccinated to prevent the desease, then I'd be all for that too. I certainly didn't mean to sound insulting, though I do see where I could have chosen my words more prudently - I would never refer to your comments as "stupid." My apologies if I hurt you - that is never appropriate and I would never intententally do that to someone I don't know.

d.K. said...

P.S. Anthrax is much, much, much rarer than HPV. The mandatory universal vaccination for military persons is also controversial. I support it, and have been vaccinated. 3000 seems low, unless you or a loved one is one of those 3000, then the number becomes meaningless.

SkippyMom said...

d.k. you obviously need an outlet for this and steak's blog isn't it...

you are welcome to email me or visit my blog to continue your fragmented conversation...anthrax? uh...what?

i suffer from insomnia, which is well documented..what on god's green earth is YOUR excuse for seeing my posts at 5 am? LOL....

d.K. said...

Thank you for the invitation. I will visit you.
I'm up well before 5 often - not by choice, by habit, a bad habit, hehe. :)

steakbellie said...

My initial tirade was against the war, and I grabbed the HPV thing to make a point.

I think that if it was a 'Brain Cancer' Vaccine, no one would have a problem and there would be a line at the doctors office to get it. Because Sex is involved, it gets crazy.

I love that both of you are expressing your opinions here, as I frequent both of your blogs. I really dont mind if you have an argument in my blog as I think it would be constructive for all readers. Also, I know that neither of you is in it just for name calling.

d.K. said...

Thanks, Steakbellie, and thanks for your comment on my blog - which let me know I wasn't a pariah here for having left my earlier, thoughtless and preachy comment. I sent Skippymom an email, earlier, letting her know that I forget sometimes that real people are behind the comments that they leave, and that I meant no intentional disrespect when I posted my earlier comment. I think we have sorted through it :)

SkippyMom said...

um, miss skippy went to bed shortly after these converstations took place and is red faced that you all think i am ignoring that i didn't....

insomnia is wicked ... and uh, well..i am chastised for not responding earlier....

but LOOK! I am wide awake at 12 am...woohoo....

Thanks Steak. You know how I feel about you and Gerber and the boys...and D.K. has turned out to be a really decent guy...

Hugs to you both...thanks for the input and the outlet.
