Wednesday, November 01, 2006

"These are not the IT people you are looking for...."

Originally uploaded by steakbellie.
For several months I've been working on an important software project. The project was due today and we had one last very important meeting last night.

Present in the conference room were all sorts of CEO/VP/Director types dressed in various states of business dress.

My lead developer came to the meeting too.

He was dressed as a Jedi Master with flowing robes of Brown and tan, utility belt, and lightsaber. It was awesome.

I want the whole IT dept to dress like that from now on.


gerberdaisy said...

you say- "Luke, i am your IT director!"

d.K. said...

Sounds cool. The most daring of us where a printed tie instead of the solid=-dyed variety :)

Anonymous said...

I'm going to have to come to work like that - however, I should probably wait until after my soon-to-be review. Maybe the day after. By the way, excellent come-back to Dale Boone on EatFeats. What an a-hole!

steakbellie said...

I recommend showing up to the Review like that. You can use the Jedi Mind Trick on them and get what you want.

Dont you love those EatFeats fights?