Steakbellie Solves the Mystery of the Gay Marriage
I hate the whole fear of gays thing. Saying that gays cant marry or defend their country is just freaking retarded. If you dont like gays, dont marry one.
So to keep my solution simple here it goes:
I am Conservative in some ways. I believe that this country should be run like a business (not completely but there are some things that it could learn from Business, and I'm not refering to Bush/Cheney type businesses that steal/pollute but American Business as an ideal)
If gays are to be denied rights like the right to marriage, then they shouldnt have to pay for those services they arent receiving. Citizens with half the rights only pay half as much! By checking the 'Cocksucker' box on your 1040 you get half off your taxes.
Within a year every goddamn unmarried person will have checked that or not. Tax coffers will plummet and then the Politicians will have something to think about.
This is the most intelligent thing I've heard all day.
That sounds like a plan. I look forward to keeping the 6.25% of my income that goes toward the Social Security I'll never get to collect.
Cool plan.
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