Monday, August 07, 2006

world trade center

Does anyone have the stomach to watch this? It just feels waaaay too soon, and something about it being an Oliver Stone Film doesnt bode well with me. I dont need his version of this, mine made the point just fine.

I get the feeling that Hollywood has been dying to make this movie but didnt want to turn everyone off by making it too soon. I can just see each studio doing polling and focus groups every month to gauge the first acceptable moment of release and victory. Kind of like that 'Flight 93' movie they made, that I wont see.

We havent even bothered to go after the fuckers who did this, I guess we deserve another Nicolas Cage movie as punishment.


CoffeeDog said...

I dunno...part of me is still fascinated with what happened that day, I am riveted by survivor stories. Doesn't amke ti right though, I see your point.

Chris the Hippie said...

I'm sure I won't watch it. I have no need to see violence with my very own eyes to "understand" it. Guess I'm kind of a wussy that way.

Glad you're back from vacation!

Dave S. said...

Welcome back!

I'm 50/50 about this movie. I'll watch it, but not in theaters. Even though something tells me it deserves a theater viewing (Why? Because of the massive scale of the disaster? Who knows.)

I'm just dissapointed that the best they could come up with is Nicolas F**king Cage. Wait, who's co-starring? Oh yeah, NOBODY!

steakbellie said...

It's a very unsettling memory for me, I'd be willing to go see it if it were a documentary though. I'm just against the 'screenplay' format, as they will have to bend truth to make it fit their needs.

Once the movie is made, it will begin to skew opinion of what really happened, as if the 2 hour movie version could be substituted for the real thing.

Anonymous said...

I agree.
"fictionalizing" the event just somehow seems wrong. It's "based" on true events and may very well be extremely accurate. But we will never be 100% sure and the potential for creating confusion or driving emotion about this event in this way does seem wrong to me. I'd much prefer a well research, well funded documentary of the events even if it takes a position (like Inconvenient Truth).

Anonymous said...

I'm seeing it. I saw United 93, by myself - the final few minutes i was sitting with my feet up, covering my open mouth with my hand. It may be too soon, but by me NOT seeing it, I feel like I'm doing those who died unnecessarily a disservice. I feel like i should learn from their experience. I feel an almost patriotic duty to honor them. Yes it's Oliver Stone, and yes, it's Nic Cage and some other unknowns, but they struggled with the content/story as much or even more than we do/did.

steakbellie said...

You know what I'm afraid of?

There being a Celine Dion song associted with 9/11 like there was for the Titanic. Know what else? Everyone thinks some guy named Jack died on the Titanic now too.

I think the titanic movie could get away with it because the involved partys and the public who had to deal with it have already passed on.

Anonymous said...

Katrocket told me about your post so I stopped by to check it out. I just wrote about this today.

Yeah this film makes me angry and I just now learned I can't carry mouthwash on the plane anymore.

I think I need a cocktail.

Anonymous said...

Five years after 9/11 is too soon for you? All the hot dogs have gone to your head.

Hollywood was producing rah-rah propaganda movies months after Pearl Harbor!

And we've killed thousands of terrorists in Afghanistan and Iraq, including Osama's No. 1 Zarqawi. Dead.

Stick to the haikus and eating contests, pinko!

steakbellie said...

sounds like a resounding success...too bad we havent actually gone after the guys responsible for 9-11.

You get your little fucking flag and go wave it in the theater as you watch Oliver Stone shoot his orgasim on the big screen....and dont forget to wear those Frankenstein shoes you wore in college, that the little kids used to tease you about, Flabbous.

i still love you though....