Monday, August 14, 2006


Anonymous said...

Well, certainly Hezbollah lost more men and probably expended a larger percent of thier available money and resources than Israel did. So, by that standard, I guess Hezbollah lost. However, they invaded another country, kidnapped citizens of that country, rained war down on them more or less unstopped for over a month and walked away with a cease fire and the building blocks of a peace agreement.

So much for the vaunted deterent power of the Isreali Military. I think this is possibly the start of even greater troubles for Israel (and whatever American administration backs them no questions asked).

steakbellie said...

I was playing on the statement that Hezbolah made about a resounding military victory.

Although you have a point. Hezbolah has some victory in just surviving the conflict.

d.K. said...

Remember when the strikers at Eastern Airlines (in the 80s) declared "we win" when the airlines was shut down permanently and they all lost their jobs because of the strike? Hmmmmm.