Thursday, July 13, 2006

I'm going tyo keep drinking till I feel better

and here's what's really fucked. Did you know that Geraldo married and then divorced the daughter of Kurt Vonnegut?!?!? Poor Kurt, could you imagine handing your daughter away to HIM!?!?!?!
Can you actually see the ceremony? My goddamn literary hero and Geraldo
Kurt survived the Firebombing of Dresden in WWII!! Shouldnt he live have a life of jello and roses from then on? Doesnt he deserve better

"So it goes....."
god dont you love him, he's like 90 million years old or stuff


katrocket said...

While I completely agree with your sentiments, is it comforting to know that he was married to Edith in the early seventies and divorced loooong before he actually "became Geraldo"? He was just an unknown local reporter then and may not have brought as much embarrassment to Our Hero at that time.

Please don't ask how I know all this. It's not pretty.

ArtieLange said...

Are we talking about the guy who sung "Rico Suave?" Because I think he is great. I do wonder whether he wore a bandana during the nuptual ceremony.

Chris the Hippie said...

Geraldo... Have you ever noticed that you never see Tony Orlando and Geraldo together at the same time? Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

I was just reading through the comments on The Whaler's site. Thank you very much for what you wrote. And thank your kids for me too for cheering for me. It means a lot to me.

pirata segreto said...

I loves me some Kurt, or should I say Kilgore? :) Oh Artie, how much do I love you for thinking Geraldo was Gerardo? "So please don't judge a book by its cover. There's more to being a latin lover. You got to know how to deal with a woman. That won't let go. The price you pay for being a gigolo." Lmfao.

ArtieLange said...

Pirat Segreto,

So the guy doing the news isn't the same person who sings that 90's hit? I am so aghast with shame!