Tuesday, April 17, 2007

the people you love (eight words)

look very different
when they are
holding guns

for those of you who know who this is, there was a nice article published about him yesterday. Ironically, the same day as the Virgina Tech Shootings. I touched up the photo abit.


Infinitesimal said...

horror films
and handguns
are now what's normal

(8 words)

steakbellie said...


Anonymous said...

Wow, he looks hard core! So different than from back in the day.

steakbellie said...

yeah, hard to picture the other goofy Lumox in a Budweiser Towell we all know....

Chris the Hippie said...

Funny story... I was in a band once many moons ago with a drummer who happened to be a police officer. When we were playing in seedy little dives, he kinda kept his occupation under his hat, so as not to frighten off our "less wholesome" fans. He developed quite the swivel-neck from looking the other direction, actually... Until...

Seedy little bar outside Sioux Falls, lotsa happy drunks, good times. Between sets, I stepped outside to get some fresh air and (ironically) smoke a cigarette. My buddy the drummer followed... As we stood, chatting, we could hear someone getting into their car just around the corner. The car backed slowly into view, made an eighteen-point turn for no apparent reason in the nearly empty back lot, then, instead of pulling forward into the street, whammed backwards at full speed into my buddy's car.

WHAM there goes the drummer BANG here comes the cop... The lady driver was in handcuffs and was being drug back into the bar in less than five seconds.

My buddy went from easy-going blues drummer to Alpha Male Don't F*ck With Me Police Officer in slightly less than a heartbeat. It was a spooky fast transformation! I was bestartled.

By the time he had the lady handcuffed to the end of the bar and had called the local P.D. to come pick her up for all sorts of violations (she dropped her purse in the melee and lo and behold a baggie fell out), everyone in the bar knew he was a cop. People were inconspiculously swallowing things and making their cautious way to the door, one by one so as not to garner attention...

Within five minutes the place was empty.

We were never invited back.

steakbellie said...

thats an AWESOME story!

Infinitesimal said...

I agree, that's a great story, some great things are sometimes written in blog comments.

Anonymous said...

Chris, great story.

Anonymous said...

I know that guy. He's a security guard at Bridgewater Commons Mall. That "gun" is actually a flashlight. After showing up to the police academy with a .32 BAC and challenging the comandant to games of quarters, thumper, and a-hole, this is the most dangerous weapon he's allowed to hold.

See you in front of Hot Sam's Pretzels, Officer Whatever. I hope you become a real cop, someday.