Over the River and Through the Woods to HotDog City I go (haiku)
The spell is broken
I now go kill the Dragon
You, wait here for me
I have three beautiful sons that are lucky enough to look like their Mother. I spend all of my time with those little bastards. I'm rated 18th in the World for Competitive Eating. It makes my Mom nervous, she thought I was going to be a Doctor.
The spell is broken
I now go kill the Dragon
You, wait here for me
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Labels: haiku
My 11 year old son’s favorite color is black. I know this because it has always been black. While other kids liked pink or blue or yellow. Ch@rlie has liked black since he could say it. He never wavered. He's stubborn like some of his parents. He's a middle child.
I love color. I love it so much I could call it Colour, but I wont, because that would be sickening.
I like to look at Red.
My wife likes yellow.
I could never get enough of Ch@rlie liking Black. I’d take him to BBQ's and when some know-it-all-kid/Parent combo tried to wow the crowd by counting to ten in Spanish, I'd have Ch@rlie announce his favorite color while pumping the beer keg for me. I could feel the jealous marveling of the other Dad's and felt cooler than the kids in Denim Jackets who used to smoke cigarettes on the bus platform. My boy was only four or so at the time. How proud am I?
So a few weeks ago I asked him what his favorite color was. I hadnt asked him in years and wanted a reminder of why I love this guy. “Green”, he said. What the hell is that?
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wish i
could get
my shit
together today
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Labels: Eight Words
I'm sorry we couldnt end this god-aweful nomination process. Did you see that stupid Debate? I watched for an hour and they didnt ask them a single question on their policies. This is what they should have asked:
Whats your plan to fix The Iraq Occupation?
Whats your plan to fix the Economy?
Whats your plan to fix Education?
Whats your plan to fix The Environment?
Whats your plan to fix The Engery Policy?
Whats your plan to fix our Position as a Global Leader in ANYTHING?
It's unbelievable how much has been screwed up and needing fixing because of bush.
I'm so frustrated. McCain would be OK if he wasnt so Pro-War. I dont agree with him on every front, but I do respect him. I cant vote for more war however, as this Occupation HAS to be stopped in 4 years when my oldest turns 18. We'll be out of able soldiers by then and drafting bigtime. I doubt the bush twins will be drafted.
Hilary is ok. Plenty of people feel threatened by her but I think she could still win and I like that she has Bill in the stable. I think the Reps want to face Obama however. They know that there are alot of White People that wont vote for a Black Man as President no matter what. These same white people would shit themselves if they realized Jesus was Black.
Why must I share my polluted air with so many pieces of shit?
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Labels: Competitive Eating
the beautifully starving hearts of Suburbia
are unrolling their angst in a old Corolla hatchback this summer
hair sweeping out the passenger side window
in a 55 mile per hour pilgrimage to just anywhere else
a secret mission to see if the franchises are the same
from state to state
a perfect balance between youth and eternity
fall in love, one thousand times a day
the clumsy girl at the rest-stop
the old man with the blue gloves in the toll booth
that song
just go and keep that goofy smile til the fuel light comes on
until we find the other magnet thats been pulling all along
and snap them together with a click
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Labels: American Sonnet
polygamy sounded great until
i saw the outfits
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Labels: Eight Words
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every Stradivarius
gets forgotten
in a cab
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Labels: Eight Words
Steve Caratzas has tagged me with a challenge.
The rules:
1) Write your own six word memoir
2) Post it on your blog; include a visual illustration if you’d like
3) Link to the person that tagged you in your post, and to the original post if possible
4) Tag at least five more blogs with links
5) Leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!
I tag Blanche, GnightGirl, Chris, Mega-Munch & Liz
My Six Word Memoir:
Laser Focus,
Textbook Performance,
Wrong Target.
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I hate today and the wave hasnt even hit yet. This sucks.
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I’ve been training for a 10 Mile Race called The Broad Street Run, here in Philadelphia. I’ve run it twice over the last 8 years or so. It’s really a great race and kicks off the running season. The race is May 4th and I’ve been ramping up my mileage for a month and a half to be able to finish it.
The night before my surgery I ran 6 miles. I haven’t been able to run since….so about 11 days without any exercise. I can walk just fine, but get uncomfortable with any jumping action. Hell I’m sore by the end of the day from just gravity.
It just sucks because I had lost some weight and was doing really well, and then after the surgery I had to lay around and wound up drinking 2 cases of beer during that first week. I was trying to get drunk, not fat but wound up achieving both. You really dont make good food choices when you're crashed out on the couch for a few days, and when you have my capacity, it's a mistake to eat until you are full.
I’m going to try to run on the treadmill for a few minutes today to see how things are shaking, but I don’t know if my boys will be ready for the abuse of a 10 mile run.
I guess I should be grateful that I didn’t have a lot of the complications other guys had, but I’m just ready to get going and tired of just doing pushups everyday as my only exercise.
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Keflex tastes
like coffee,
if you
chew it
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Labels: Eight Words
World Salt Eating Championships
Not Really Going Well
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Labels: Eight Words
found the
Higgs boson
while cleaning
my fridge
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Labels: Eight Words
Ok. Some of you may not be comfortable reading this. If you’re name is like ‘Steakbellie’s Mom’ or sister or if you have testicles of any type, you might find yourself cringing abit. Don’t feel compelled to read if you’re grossed out. I can tell you that everything ends ok, and we all get Ice Cream. It’s just something I need to write about.
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George W Bush recently got booed throwing the first pitch out for the Washington Nationals Baseball Team. Considering that a high percentage of people who can afford to go to baseball games are affluent white males (W's Sweetspot)it just shows you how far down this guy has fallen in our view as a whole.
I have been diametrically opposed to just about everything that has come out of this Administration, but even I am surprised that he got booed. This is Washington DC, and it's the President of the US. Thank God people are starting to see who he really is.
Cant we just elect somebody today and have them start on Monday? There's just so much damage to fix it sucks to have to wait almost a year to start.
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Labels: Competitive Eating
Fashions change with generations
but the girls smoking
in front of the Arts School
will always wear black.
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take the bullets out
this gun is just for fun now
no one will get hurt
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Labels: haiku
Possibilities are being replaced by Finalities!
What is left on your list?
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