Tuesday, March 22, 2005

F You Mr Bush

Without getting into weather or not Terri Schiavo should be allowed to die, I want to point out that our Nations Lawmakers need to butt out of other peoples business. This case has run it's course in the Judicial System. The fact that they all flew back to Washington in the middle of the night to create an entirely new law is a sham and sets a horrible precident.

I dont buy the 'Culture of Life' BS that is falling from their mouths. They all care so much to save a vegetable, but took 2 years before they were shamed into providing Body Armor for the soldiers they were sending into war. Their actions tell a much truer story than their words. If they wanted to save a real life, they have opportunities all around them every day.

Ask Mr Bush which US Govenor holds the record for signing the most Death Warrants.


Anonymous said...

I agree.

Things just aren't the same. It's weird how the whole tone of the United States has changed. I mean, it's easy to joke about facism in a combat boot Ivy League rebel kind of way and, honestly, this isn't really facism. I don't know what this is, but American Government is really scary right about now. Moreso since there isn't really public outrage. How long will it take to even recover from this? Certainly not the remainder of Bush's term. This is going to stick around for a long time.

steakbellie said...

I started to reply to this, and it turned into a new post!