Monday, January 03, 2005

The Vodka Diaries

Originally uploaded by steakbellie.

* I Dont Drink Vodka

* I once designed a logo and bottle for a Russian Vodka Company. They wanted it to look like a Nuclear Missle. I dont know if they ever produced it.

* My neighbor accross the street brought over some Polish Vodka that costs over $100 per bottle to my New Years Eve Party. I had a fingers worth on his insistance that it was the 'most smooth' blah blah blah. It really was absolutley amazing, you could sip the stuff and it didnt taste like jetfuel. I'm a beer guy and can tell the differences between most any two beers. I honestly thought all vodka was the same.

* The the piece of shit lady who lives next door (who calls the Police on me all the time, but for some reason thinks I dont know it's her) stole the bottle from the party when she thought everyone was too drunk to notice. She doesnt drink Vodka either, but probably couldnt stop herself once she heard the price! I only invite her so she wont call the cops. I'm going to wait a few more days so that she's real uncomfortable when I ask for the bottle back to return to the owner.

* A guy at work says that if you run cheap vodka through a Brita water-filter it will filter out the impurities and improve the taste. He says a guy showed up at his house this weekend with a 3 liter bottle of Cheap Vodka filter 20 times! It sounds pretty interesting, and I think I'll try it for a goof!


Anonymous said...

It would be hilarious if your neighbor read your blog.

steakbellie said...

She's a sick sick woman, and I think my next posting will detail some of her mental maladalies as diagnosed by me.