Thursday, January 13, 2005

The Brown Cog

You Are A Cog.: Cogs

Here's a link to an interesting article written by Birdy. It's in 4 parts so far so be sure to follow up. There is a big shitty cog at my company named David, but we'll call him 'Dave' for anononimity sake. He's a sales guy here, and fits the stereotype perfectly. I hated him almost as soon as I met him. (My first day I walked in my office and found him stealing the printer from my setup)

Dave's a big sweaty white guy from Texas. He's got a beard and a bad haircut that he slicks back to cover his bald spot. Dave likes to learn technical words and then use them incorrectly when he's trying to get the IT guys to do his work. He's bigger than most people here and likes to try to intimidate the guys who speak English as a second language....apparently he's better than them?

Machines dont run well with cogs made out of tightly packed turds. My gears are cut sharp and spin fast...they dont need to be mucked up with his shit. I wish a wooden Sabot upon him......

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