Monday, May 07, 2007

the creepy old man in the locker room (eight words)

doing everything but
putting his clothes back on


Anonymous said...

There are creepy old ladies in the women's locker room, too. Seriously, like naked and old and blow drying her hair (on her head).

katrocket said...

"everything" ? Eeeeeeew!

Liz is so right - creepiness invades both genders. There are at least 4 different women (various ages) at my gym who regularly lounge around the locker room naked - eating snacks, chatting on the phone, doing their nails - like it's their personal bedroom or something. It boggles the mind.

And no, I'm not giving out the name of my gym, boys.

steakbellie said...

so it's not unique I see. I guess some people just need their wares on display. I just dont feel comfortable brushing my teeth, combing my hair, and having an animated conversation until I get my boxers back on.

d.K. said...

Katrocket's response, "Eeeeeeew!" is what my reaction was, though I don't think I'd have expressed it as well.

Wendy said...

Yet another reason that I'm glad that I go to the gym ready and drive home to shower.